Same old members but new name, with up to date reviews/previews for Gamecube, XBox, PS2, and GBA. COHR news: Tournaments, Games we are in, COHR Teams, Message Boards, Chat, Game Store, and fequently asked questions about the guild. Get involved, submit your own links, news, game reviews and comments. If you liked DAG's old PSO coverage then you should check us out again for coverage in the future of the gaming world. The place to join up is here seeing as how the other sites are just a little tribute to COHR/DAG
Star Craft Tournaments going on right now!
Do you think your the best. Prove just how good are and join up with GameCOHR's Purple Team today!
The old home of DAG, devoted to PSO, the game that started it all for DAG. Here we have Gameshark Codes, pics from PSO, Message Boards, Chat etc. Basically all the PSO you can handle. Note: If you are interested in joining DAG you should head on over to COHR. This site is now just a PSO fan site, with the skeleton of the very first home of DAG.