We have moved, http://www.angelfire.com/games4/dag0. If you are interested in joining please go to that URL. I am leaving this site up because people still come here for Gameshark Codes, and Hacks. But as of 11/11/01 DAG headquarters has moved and this site will be turned into A Phantasy Star fan site, in dedication of the one true home of DAG, the game that started it all for Dark Angels everywhere, PSO. You can also learn of Dark Angels Guild history here, see the first memebers, all the Daily News ever with the exception of four which I deleted and lost forever, and also stories of the greatest spies to ever grace the world of PSO (in my opinion) that protected us from evil 12 year olds with Gamesharks and Xploders. I hope you enjoy.
Welcome to the Dark Angels Homepage, Our guild purpose is to have fun and a safe play. Where you don't have to worry about being pk'd or ck'd by others. We believe that PSO guilds put a new, funner spin on Phantasy Star Online. So if you are bored and have played PSO to the bone, then guilds are the thing for you, and since your here you should check out our site to the fullest. Also if you are planning on getting Ver. 2, guilds are the way to go, simply for the fact of the awesome guild wars! We are very new, with lots of ranks still needed filled, and now would be the time for you to join and work yourself up them. You may have heard guilds with 200+ members, but in this guild we all like to become friends, and trust each other. If you try your hardest to impress us, and you really truly want in, we will see to it that you become a member.
Here at DAG (Dark Angels Guild) we have a new and very easy to follow policy. It states that if you are not active within 4 weeks we can terminate your DAG membership. To stay active you must at least participate on any Game in which our guild is active in, email or chat with the members, or post on the message board. So basically all you have to do is participate in anything, from the site or the games and you will be fine. If you are not able to participate please email wincklepluck@yahoo.com or any of the Lords, so we know what is going on, be it Vacation, Work, School etc, and we won't terminate your membership. We are doing this so we can give people who actually would stay active in our guild a chance to be in it. If you are not active from September 1st to October 1st 2001 we will clear away you acounts and terminating their memberships, only if no one from the guild has heard from them in a long time. We at DAG just want everyone to have fun and we want to give loyal active people a chance to partake in our events and tournaments.
If you are a member of this clan and are looking at this site and have any suggestions please email me at top_hat_duck@yahoo.com or click here
If you find a dead link please e-mail me and tell me. E-mail me at top_hat_duck@yahoo.com or just click here
I have decided change the first lottery, so instead of Suikoden 1 the lottery will be for a Performance Brand Dreamcast Memory Card, for pic click here. If you would like to enter this lottery please email wincklepluck@yahoo.com. Please make the email topic (lottery) and please include your name that appears on the members page. This is for Dark Angels members only, and please only enter if you live in the United States. I hate shipping internationaly. The deadline for this lottery is Sept. 10th.
Daily News Update By: DA Reporter
Friday, August 31: The winner of the 2nd DAG tournament (Empty Hands) was declared about a week ago...hum...LOL. Anyway finaly the winner was Zarndelius. Of coarse the only people who have won the tournament just happen to be the people who Colt made fun of because we died in Soul whatever, oh man i can't remember, hum the really hard quest in the mines...Anyway I was there on the scene to get Zarndelius's reaction to winning.
DA Reporter: "Zarndelius, now that you won the Tournament how do you feel?" Zarndelius: "Errrrrr...Ummmm...I won!?" So now you all see that the two winners of the only tournaments DAG has held so far have been complete and utter idiots, it also appears that these two are very high ranking officers of DAG and are basically running the guild in place of the other three Lords absents. Oh dear....Well this is DA Reporter signing off, BEEP BEEP!
Sunday, August 26: Well, tonight is the last night I'm gonna let myself stay up on PSO past 11:00pm. How ironic that it is raining right now, but it is happening to everyone, and I mark some of the last few that haven't started school yet. I start school on the 28th, and I will not be able to stay on till the sunrise anymore, oh I remember the times playing with Zardelius, Kain, and Vivi, we had a blast...I remember when Kain and Zarndelius tricked me into thinking that a DA- vk'ed Zarn. This summer has been great thanks to PSO. It may sound Dorky (as my friend Tara would say) but I had a blast. I know PSO ver.2 still hasn't come out yet, and it will be 10 times better than ver.1, but still, I don't think I will have all the memories with it, that I had with ver.1. You guys are great, and I'm happy that you have put up with all of my sh*t these last couple of months. I'll never forget how I got in the Dark Angels, and I'll never forget all the good times we had. I'm sad that I didn't even stand a chance in Empty Hands DAG Tournament 2, but I wish all the people who participated in it good luck in the future, and I wish ViRuS, Kain, and Zardeluis luck, for they are the only ones who didn't die. I hope I will find out the winner soon so I can post them on the site.
This is one of my favorite memories from PSO that I would like to share with everyone:
I remember this one time, I was in a lobby with some random people, and I noticed that they were all falling on the ground (like 10 people were doing it), anyway I went over and decided to join them...Well we were all acting crazy, and talking about how it looked like an orgy (or.gy) LOL, and then all the sudden this one dude didn't get up like your normaly do when you fall on the ground (alt+F1), everyone stopped and was like, Oh man, Bear (or whatever his name was) didn't get up dude. It was funny because we all knew that he had been d/conn or something, but everyone stopped and was like oh man, poor dude, in true PSO fashion, like we were all staring at a dead strangers corps, in a back alley or something. everyone stopped what they were doing, and we all just looked at his body lieing on the ground. I had to be the funnest thing I'd ever seen on PSO! But still no one laughed, we just stared...
Send in you PSO memories, and maybe if I get enough, I will make a page on the site so everyone can read them! Even if you are just visiting the site as a guest and you aren't a member send us in your funiest/most memorial time on PSO.
Send it to wincklepluck@yahoo.com please make the topic/subject memories and please check grammar and spelling.
Monday, August 20: Well the results are in...45% of the votes say Yes we should change our name, and 55% say No, we should not change our name. So it looks like we are gonna stick with Dark Angels. Zarn and I have come up with a new system that will be put into effect as soon has we get things straitend out. Our guild will be split up into teams, simply so we can communicate better among a larger group of people. The Lords, Myself (Wincklepluck), Kain, and Jill (Vivi) will be the Team Commanders. We will split everyone up within those teams and go by a color code, using symbol chat that was created by mostly by Kian, with some suggestions coming from Jill, Zarndelius and myself. So far the only teams available are Red (Zarndelius), Purple (Wincklepluck), Black (Kain), and Yellow (Jill). You can find which team you are in on the members page. This means that if you are in Red Team, You will go to Zarndelius with any questions or problems that you have and so-forth. We are doing this to make it easier on the lords and to make communication easier with our growing numbers. If you have any questions email me at wincklepluck@yahoo.com
Attention Tournament: The 2nd DAG Tournament is scheduled for Friday Aug 24th and Saturday Aug 25th. We are doing it 2 days because some people can't make it on a certain day so please feel free to come any of those days to participate. It will be held 10:00pm central, on Titania block 16, lobby 10. The rules are, you must not bring anything into the battle field, every item you receive, or use must be found on the battlefield. We will check this by giving you 30 items and having you drop them so we know you don't have anything. Anyone who trys to sneek in items will be disqualified from the tournament. If you die you are out and you lose. You can use resta and any other techs as you please. Once you go into the battlefield you can not go back to Pioneer 2 and heal, deposit or buy any items. You will go through Forest to Ruins. If you get d/conn you will have to foreit and lose. We will determine the winner by whoever has the best and rarest items. We have a method for this so don't think we will cheat you. The winner will recieve FIRST Rank, and the honor of being able to brag about it until the next tournament!
Wednesday, August 15: I'd like to welcome Savras, Hellkite, and Playersen, the newest members to our guild. I'm thinking of maybe giving out video games to the members of the guild maybe every now and then, like a lottery or something, it depends on how many people participate. Here's how it will work, I'll need everyone's email to make this work. I will put everyone's name into a hat and I will pick a winner. Then I will email the winner and they will give me their home address so I can send it to them. Simple, all you have to do is give me your emails! If I get the majority of the member's emails I will have the lottery. If you are interested in participating just send your name that appears on the member's list with the topic name (lottery) to wincklepluck@yahoo.com. If this goes as planned the first lottery will be Suikoden I for Sony Playstation, a great old school RPG that is very rare. I have two copies and one of them is unopened so...whatever, just more benefits of being a DAG member I guess.
Sunday, August 12: I've updated Hacks, there are some more now, and I've made a new banner so it is regulation size and I made a new mini banner for everyone to put on their personal sites if they wish. As I've said before, if you have a website and want to link to this site just email me the URL at top_hat_duck@yahoo.com, also if you are a DAG member and you can not post on the message board please send me a message from the message board and I will take care of it. You see, I must assign you a rank on the board so you can post and read on specific topics, this is for security reasons. Some people I believe may have made their login names different from their name that appears on the members page, so I don't know who is a member of our guild and who is just a guest, or spy! I'm sorry for all the inconvenience and let me assure you that it is all worth it for security. The Lords and I have taken extra steps to assure that every member of DAG has a safe and fun play. We can not control certain peoples actions, like that of Memphis Rain, but we try our best.
Thursday, August 9: Very early this morning a winner of the tournament was declared. Her name was ALICE Beta9s, she is the proud Beta series robot (I got that from my friend) of Wincklepluck. When Wincklepluck was told the news that his greatest creation had won the tournament he said this:
"I was not impressed with her performance, she is much better than that, let me assure you...(cough)...If I were not a drunked fool I could have participated in that event myself, and it is very clear that I would have kicked everyone else's (explitive) (explitive). But, being the lazy drunken absent minded fool I am, I have created a whole line of new and better Beta series robots that are perpared to win the next tournaments, in my name. On this day I declare that I, Wincklepluck, will be victorious in all events to follow. A new day will dawn when my Beta series robots will take over the battle field and...(hack)...(cough)....."
After that Wincklepluck passed out and fell asleep in his own urin and vomit. We interveiwed ALICE Beta9s and she said that she was very thankful that Wincklepluck had created her for the tournament and other various reasons, and she would like to thank Yami for all the stars, and Colt for freezing all the enemies, because without their help she would have never won. She said she would also like to thank everyone who participated and she hopes that they will be as fortunated as her in the tournaments to come. As of ALICE Beta9s, she says that she is going to retire from all the tournaments and hopes she will one day have to defend her First Ranger title. Who knows what the evil genius Wincklepluck has in store for the future. Let's just hope his Beta series robots are put together with gum, and made from rusty beer cans next time.
HTML by Wincklepluck. Main ideas put forth by Zarndelius, Lord Colt, and Wincklepluck. FAQ and pics provided by Phantasy Star Online, the Offical Perfect Guide by Versus Books.
Game Shark Codes provided by GSCCC. Perl, CGI, Java Scripts provided by Wincklepluck, with some help from Matt, and Blue. Boards provided by Yabb, created by Blue, and maintained by Blue and Wincklepluck. And thanks to all the people who hang out in the boards and the people who help with the Request Items, and people who participate in the Tournaments.