In the jungle there are legends...
Stories that thrill, chill, and delight those who long for adventure...
Who long for the days of heroism and valor...
Knights valiant and true...
Explorers who travel to the furthest reaches of the earth...
Dive into the deepest caverns of the sea...
And fly to the outermost limits of space.
Here, in the Jungle, you will find what you've been longing for...
Welcome to the NEW Jungle site! As you can see, I have totally remade it, turning it into a fiction archive for sci-fi and fantasy. I've got up my own WIP Amoran's Destiny, as well as several stories and a screenplay by my very talented friend John Cosper. I will attempt to update Amoran weekly, as well as travel out into the far reaches of the world in search of more word treasures to display here...
Have a story you want to share? Read the submission guidelines