WARNING: This page sucks; don't tell me, I know. The only semi-good thing on it is the walkthroughs of Chrono Trigger, and the partial walkthrough of Final Fantasy 3. I made this page a long time ago, when I didn't know about good layout and stuff like that. So there.
NOTE: This page is on hiatus, meaning I probably won't update unless my life depends on it. So this page shall remain the craphole that it is until Summer, when I MIGHT revamp the whole thing. Maybe. If I feel like it.
9-22-01: Well, it seems like the summer has come and gone... Guess I won't be revamping my page after all. Well, enjoy the Chrono Trigger page and the transcript, because those are the only two things worth visiting here. See ya!
Transcript: This is a funny transcript of a very interesting D&D Game with the players from Hell...
These are my Neopets!
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This is the fun little virtual pet game... try it!