Dreamline West - What's New
An Oded Fehr Fansite
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07/23/02 - Here Comes Autumn New Series Time

Tuesday, September 24, 10/9c

    05/23/02 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!

    Well, sort of. This site is 1 year old. WooHoo! Now, just the waiting for Presidio Med . . . Please Stand By . . .

    04/11/02 - CBS Saves Us!

    CBS has announced Oded will star in a new series set to air in Sept. It is 'Presidio Med' and guess who is a doctor? WooHoo! Check out the press release!

    03/18/02 - Zzzzzzzzzzzz

    I'm still here, really. Oded has just been inactive, as far as anyone knows. When there is news, it will be posted. Until then, the final 2 episodes of UC will be aired on March 23.

    02/08/02 - Or Maybe Not . . .

    Mr. Salerno has posted again, suggesting Mr. Fehr is being considered by NBC for a new series. All we can do is wait and see.

    !!! Check out 'The Scorpion King' stuff I have added to the site. Looks like it is going to be a great action movie.

    01/30/02 - The End?

    Shane Salerno has posted on the Deep Undercover Board that 2 episode of UC will be aired on March 23. This would be the final 2 episodes that were filmed but never aired during the regular time slot (my op). It will be interesting to see what Mr. Fehr does next.

    01/24/02 - Hot New Pics

    I have a whole page of new pictures from the Razor Magazine site posted. There is also rumored to be an article upcoming in a few months. I'm looking forward to seeing what Mr. Fehr will be doing now that he's 'free' of NBC.

    01/18/02 - A Letter from NBC

    For all practical purposes, (99% probability, my estimate) UC has been cancelled. Shane Salerno posted a letter to the 'Deep Undercover' Board and I have put it up so everyone can read it for themselves.

    On the brighter side, it's not like it's the end of Mr. Fehr's career. I'm certain we will be seeing him soon; if in another series or on the big screen is what remains to be seen. In the maentime, I have wallpapers for you, courtesy Tina Roberts. Enjoy!

    01/13/02 - NBC??? Well???

    NBC still hasn't decided on the fate of UC, so, still we wait . . . In the meantime, I hear Stephan Sommers is set to direct 'Argonauts', (a remake of 'Jason and the Argonauts') - wouldn't Mr. Fehr be lovely in that?
    BTW, my New Year's resolutions are going pretty well, so far! Except for the caffine thing. LOL

    01/03/02 - My New Year's Resolutions!

    I'm going to eat less, drink less (caffine), swear less and write more.
    (Now how things are working out.) I'm swearing more, drinking more, eating the same old junk food and not writing at all . . . Can I have a second chance . . . ???

    P.S. Look for an all-new episode of UC: Undercover this Sunday!

    12/17/01 - *zzzzzzzzzz*

    Sorry, not much is happening. I'm going to look for some new pics of Oded, so check the pictures page soon!

    12/05/01 - Happy Holidays!

    With the holidays sneaking up fast, you may not see me around quite so much, but I am still here. Working on that !&%#*#! HTML still . . .

    11/26/01 - More HTML Stuff

    With another slow 'Oded News' week, I'm doing some more HTML clean-up around the site. The picture pages will look a little bit different, but hopefully, they will load quicker. No UC yesterday, scheduled for 12/02 'tho.

    11/18/01 - Bad Week

    I've had a bad week, so things haven't gotten updated very well. I do have all the submissions I've been sent, and I will get them all posted shortly. Really.

    11/13/01 - Page 2

    I've been forced (hahaha) to add a Page 2 to the 'Stuff You'd Never Hear Ardeth Bay Say' section. Page 1 was getting waaay too long, too much scrolling.
    The response to 'One Word' has been incredible, thank you all!

    11/10/01 - One Word!

    Describe Oded in just one word! Want to try? Want to see what others have said? Check out my newest page and add your 'one word'.

    11/04/01 - minor adjustments

    I have lightened up the screencaps from The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, so you can actually see them now! I didn't realize there was such a difference in brightness between my photo editor and what they looked like on the site. Check out that smile in TMR, a shot from the infamous bus ride!

    11/03/01 - new pics and

    Happy Birthday Oded!

    I have new pics on the misc. picture page and rumor has it that there will be an additional 13 episodes of UC: Undercover. Good news for all.

    10/28/01 - TMR Screen Caps!
    I have 6 new screen caps from The Mummy Returns, courtesy of Arwen (check out the link to see literally hundreds of screen caps). I may not get them posted for a day or two because they need resized, blah, blah, blah. But they will be here soon, and they are nice. Check out Pictures, page 1 to find where the new ones are.

    10/20/01 - I Love Sundays
    UC: Undercover is off and running - finally! Oded's first episode was last week, and I rather enjoyed it. The UC page has been updated, with a new promo pic and an episode guide - no spoilers tho'.

    10/08/01 - Been busy
    I've added 2 new pics on page 8, one is the WB cartoon Ardeth, the other is the autograph card from 'The Mummy Returns' card set. I also have new 'The Mummy' screencaps on page 9.
    And, as always, 'Stuff You'd Never Hear Ardeth Bay Say' has been added to. I may have to add a second page here, to keep people from scrolling so much!

    09/29/01 - New colors
    Again, as much as blue is my fave color, I have put up new colors for this site. More of a 'desert feel', I guess. UC: Undercover is on tomorrow, and Mr. Fehr evidently isn't in this one, but I will post an episode guide just to make it complete. New pic from NBC also.

    09/18/01 - HTML stuff
    It has come to my attention, as cool as they looked, that my java buttons on the opening page just weren't loading very fast, if at all. So, I have replaced them with text. Doesn't look as 'high tech', but makes navigation quite a bit easier.

    09/15/01 - Beyond words
    With what has happened in the U.S. the past few days, I am just getting past the numbness, heading towards what I suspect will be anger. Hollywood is at a standstill, along with the rest of the country; when we will see or hear new anything in regards to the entertainment industry is anyone's guess. I don't know when I will update again, but I will when something that concerns Mr. Fehr occurs.

    Everyone, take care. You are not alone.

    09/03/01 - New button
    I've added a button/link to the UC: Undercover page on the spalsh page, just to make navigation a tad easier. I (hope) a lot of traffic will be here looking for exactly that after the series starts!

    09/01/01 - More UC promos pics
    NBC has added some new promo pics. Naturally, I have them in their own gallery. Enjoy!

    08/18/01 - UC News
    I've posted the NBC info finally up about UC: Undercover. There are new pictures, too, and the NBC bio. Nifty, huh?

    08/11/01 - New stuff this week.
    I have the new Movieline article up now, with a couple gorgeous pics. That short hair, umm, kinda grows on ya, doesn't it?
    Also, to be a little more viewer-friendly, I have added a Java-free index page. The graphics are a little different, but it's all the same links, just no java buttons.

    07/30/01 - HTML
    Since not much is happening with Oded right now, I used this week to clean up my HTML and make things a little neater around the site. So, you may notice little changes and you may not . . .

    07/19/01 - New Links
    I've added the Yahoo! Clubs dedicated to Mr. Fehr in the Links section of the site. I'm going to look into adding other similar clubs and newsgroups to the listing also.

    07/15/01 - A Day Off Work - Woohoo!
    Whew, glad that week is over. Anyway . . . In the lull between now and the new TV season, I've created a little diversion in a section called Who is Second. Pretty easy to figure out - who is the second sexiest guy you can think of? Send me a pic and I'll post your opinions in the new page found in Fan Musings.

    Also, since I actually get out to see new movies about twice a year, I've put the 'Movie Reviews' section on hold. It's still here, in case I decide to go with it again, but the links are down.

    07/07/01 - *sigh*
    Waiting for that new tv season to start - I am going to have an episode guide of 'UC - Undercover'. And pictures, too. Won't that be cool?

    06/25/01 - NBC Got Oded!
    Good news for a Monday morning - NBC signed Oded for a new TV series this autumn. This is good news, except for the fact it is going to be on Sunday nights at 10pm. I'll have to tape it because 'The Sopranos' is on at the same time and somebody here can't miss that show (i.e., not me, I watch it, but I'd rather watch Oded!)
    See the articles here and here!

    06/24/01 - Not Much
    Things have been pretty slow here after the initial rush of geting the site up and running. I'm still waiting for fan fiction - submit it if you got it! Rumor has it Oded will be in a tv series starting this autumn, but nothing is official. That would be so cool - I'll keep you updated.

    06/18/01 - Article & Interview Page
    I am getting some articles posted finally. I'm not sure how many are out there, not hundreds, not yet, so I will try to get them all. I have added a bit to the trivia page - if you have any trivia questions, mail 'em to me, I can use them! If you ever see broken links or pics, let me know. This isn't as easy as it looks.

    06/11/01 - Trivia Page
    It seems this website has turned into my place to experiment with HTML. 'Hey, let's see what new stuff we can learn today!' Now I have cute little pop-up windows for answers to the trivia questions.

    06/09/01 - Movies
    I am adding movie reviews of everything Mr. Fehr has done. It will take a couple days, and I have to find pictures I don't already have for the mini-series' he has done, but the pages are there! And my mouseover buttons actually work now. Getting the HTML right is half the battle - ;) !!!

    06/05/01 - Tables!
    Hahahaha - I've finally (sort of) figured out tables. The 'new' front page is up, all the same except rearranged a little. Oh, and there are some Egypt-related links on the 'Links' page now, too.

    06/03/01 - Working on it.
    I've gotten a lot of the pictures up, need to work on that bio. I'm still waiting for that fan fiction to arrive, so send it to me if you have some. I will be adding more links as I find good ones. I'm also thinking about adding something about Egyptology, maybe just links since I'm really an amateur at it. Good grief, this has turned into a weblog - LOL.

    05/23/01 - Site Created!!!
    All this space at GeoCities going to waste, so I have a brilliant idea to make a fan page. Hmmmmmm, I already have one for my favorite artist, Luis Royo, and one for my favorite band, Rush, and even one for my favorite pet, Maggie (be warned, Maggie was not your typical-type pet), so what could I do next? How about yet-another-fanpage featuring Oded Fehr, the hottest man I've seen on the planet! Ok, you talked me into it. Enjoy!

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