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My name is Vivian. My maiden name was MARTIN. I was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma, Nov. 18th, 1954. I am the youngest child of William and Gertie (MASON) MARTIN. She was daddy's second wife. They had 2 other children to live to be grown.
O'Leta Mae, born Aug. 29, 1938 and William Harvey, born Aug. 30, 1940.
O'Leta died on July 29, 1986 in Spokane, Washington.
William died Feb. 20, 1999, in Middletown, CA.
I know of one other child of William and Gertie that there is a birth certificate for. His name was Horace Damon MARTIN. He only lived 3 mo. He was born Dec. 15, 1953. I hope to get a copy of his birth or death certificate soon. Mama said he died of a brain hemorrage. Damon was born near either Clute or Galveston, Texas. At the time of my birth my parents lived in Dustin, Oklahoma.
Children of William and Elsie (BROWN) Martin:
Earnest Dee Martin
Evelyn Turner Born 4/01/1926 - Died May 5, 2005
Jay Martin
Lois Blaylock
Aubrey Dale Martin Born Aug. 5, 1933 - Died Dec. 30, 1995.

A picture of my father and me taken in about 1956. This picture was taken near Dustin, Hughes county, Oklahoma.

A picture of my mother and I, February, 1955.

When I was 7, we moved to Indianola in Pittsburg county. My father died at Talihina, Ok. in 1967. But, we still lived at Indianola. My mother and I lived across the street from the Indianola School. Click here to see a picture of the old

Indianola School

building. I believe this picture was taken in the mid 40's, possibly 1946. On the drum are the words "Indianola Rhythm Band". One of my cousins is in the group. I attended grade school in this old rock building from 1963 until 1966. I believe this building was built by the WPA, according to a story I remember my Dad telling to one of the principal's of the school, Mr. Trammell. Mrs. Trammell was my 4th grade school teacher. The building was then torn down, to make room for a more modern single level elementary school, which included a larger gymnasium. I remember playing basketball in that gym.

Daddy's first wife was Elsie BROWN. They had 5 children to live to adulthood. The youngest of them,has passed away. Aubrey Dale MARTIN, born Aug. 5, 1933, died Dec. 30, 1995.

I am looking for information on my dad's ancestor's. He was William MARTIN born Oct. 1, 1899, in Calvin, Indian Territory. His father was James F. G. MARTIN, who was born in Arkansas. (I have new census info to lead me in this direction). He had two children born in Paris, Lamar Co. Texas, to a woman whose last name was ATTEBERRY. I now believe her name was Mary E. ATTEBERRY. James F. G. MARTIN was married to Cornela A. "Sis" GRAY, after Atterbury. She was born in Marion Co., Alabama. My dad is the only child of James and Cornela that I know of. She died in Oklahoma, before my dad was 10 years old. (I am thinking she may have died soon after giving birth to my father). James F. G. MARTIN remarried on February 11, 1908, to a Mrs. T. M. COOPER of Booneville, Arkansas. I have a copy of this marriage license. James F. G. MARTIN, died in Ft. Smith, Arkansas and is buried at Booneville, Arkansas. I have a census from 1880 Johnson Co., Texas that lists my grandfather and his wife Mary E. (ATTEBERRY, I believe. I am still trying to find the parents of James F. G. MARTIN I know believe he was born in Arkansas, going by what I find on the 1920 and 1880 census records. I still have not found him on the 1910 or 1900 census records.


Other names on my father's side:
  • John MARTIN (brother) was married to:
      1: Zorah Rebecca HUNTER
    I have census information on Zorah and her 3 daughter's by John Martin.
      *(11/25/1910) at Holdenville, OK.
      2: Lillian TURPIN
    li>Martha Lucinda MARTIN(sister) was married to George BRISCO on 9/29/1907. They are both buried at Blue Mountain Cemetery, Blue Mountain, Arkansas.
  • James G. (Buddy) MARTIN was married to Rose BLEVINS. James G. was born a MOORE, and adopted by my grandfather, as I understand the story.

  • All were daddy's half-brothers and sister. John and Lucy had the same mother,ATTEBERRY. Buddy was a step-son of James. He and Daddy had the same mother Cornela Ann "Sis" GRAY.
    Also, names of


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    Martin Graphic Made By

    Vivian Sternenberg

    Updated August 05, 2005.
    This page created by topaz54,
    aka Vivian.

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