Page Updated April 24, 1999
Born 1845, in Canada. Died Sept. 5, 1917 Buried at Talequah, Oklahoma |
Born Jan. 3, 1846 Died April 14, 1931 Buried at Talequah, Oklahoma |
Children of James and Linda MASON:
Hanna, 1st marriage: Adam DUVALL: 2nd marriage: Charley HILL |
Viola, 1st marriage: RUSSELL: 2nd marriage: Clarence KING, Sr. |
James, married to Ellie ? |
Edna, married to Arthur STANDRIDGE |
Roy, married to Josie ? |
Fannie, married to Seymour JONES |
Lonnie, married to Stella KING |
Gertie, married to William MARTIN |
Arvel, married to Freda BROWN |
The information here is some of what is contained in this census.
Harve J. | Head |
Iowa | CammEnglish | Indiana |
Linda | Wife |
Arkansas | Indiana | Indiana |
Hanna E. | Daughter |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
Maud V. | Daughter |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
James M. | Son |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
Edna M. | Daughter |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
Roy H. | Son |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
FannieF. | Daughter |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
Lonnie E. | Son |
Arkansas | Iowa | Indiana |
Note: Update! I downloaded a better copy of this census and found that the name is "Lonnie E.", not Linda E. as previously read from a poor quality print of the census. Also, from the 1910 Census, I am able to read Great Grandpa James Murry Mason's place of birth better as Can. English.
Living with Murry and Emma A. Mason in 1910, Pope Co. Arkansas were Murry S., son, age 20, born in Missouri and Harry E., son, age 18, born in Arkansas.
*Children of Murry and Emilie Myers Mason*
Brothers and Sister of James Harvey MASON of Indianola, OK.
And place of residence in 1931, doc. Emilie Myers Mason obituary.
Tampa, FL |
Little Rock, AR |
Gravette, AR |
Atkins, AR |
Oct. 7, 1899 Broken Arrow, OK |
Oklahoma |
Blythville, AR |
Aug. 9, 1903 Russelville, AR |
Died at age 2 |
Mary Edith (Molly) (married Sam Montgomery |
Above information supplied from Family Bible records.
Mollie Mason married to Sam
Was told of Mollie by my mother and my brother.
A cousin in CA has found her name in records that
she has also.
Any information as to why she isn't listed on the
obituary is appreciated.
Parents of Linda Jane HALL.
Data from 1880, Dover Township, Pope County, Arkansas Census
Age 33, born Indiana No info on birth of parents. |
Age 24, born Indiana Both parents born in Kentucy. |
Brother and Sisters of Linda Jane HALL
Data from the 1880, Dover Township, Pope County, Arkansas Census
Born Nebraska |
Born Missouri |
Born Arkansas |
Found on 1910 Census. Ages are hard to read. |
Children of Mary Frances Hall and Benjamin WHARTON
Data from1910 Census, Pope County, Arkansas and 1920 Census, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma
Other children of Hanna KERNS, HALL, HAYES
Data from 1910 Census Pope County, Arkansas
Age 17 |
Age 15 |
Father of Charles E. and Clemen K. was Charles HAYES.
The 1880 census list an Elizabeth KRUES, with the Andrew J. HALL
family. A 61 year old female, born in Kentucky. List her relationship to
the family as "at home".
I want to express my gratitude for all the wonderful information
that has so graciously been provided by my new found cousins: Huey and
Terry Mason. Jo Shelton. Cinda Calhoun. Susan Burke.
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