Have you ever seen a bright light in the sky, or a big explosion, have you lost a few hours of your day never to know where they went, or seen something that you couldn't explain or even try to understand...DUN DUN DUNNNN! Or have you just experienced the normal procedures of an (NORMAL?) alien contact i.e. anal probe? If so contact us and tell us all the details of your frightening experiences! We will put them on our website for all to see!
Email us

We will also have reports of alien encounters and the like posted on our site along with links to other sites involving this sort of thing!
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Are they really signs/ signals from another life form? Are they trying to contact us or are they just useing the earth as a message board? if you can answer any of these questions we ask you to please come and share you wisdom with us. Also if you have any imformation on crop circle sitings could you also tell us about it- THANKS the crew.
Because we have had such a great response to this page (two people) and so many of these people have said that they believe they are related to an alien we  thought we had better put it in. Many people believe that their brother or sister is an alien. We strongly agree with this statement. Especially me-Alexamondo, because I know for a fact that my brother is an alien, only something from another planet could be that annoying, horrible and wierd.
Many millions of people, it seems, have had encounters with alien beings. many of those people do not realize that they are having these experiences because of suppressed memories. Their awareness is limited to an occasional paranormal incident that seems to confuse them more then anything else.
Some people are not ready to no for sure, others fell a deep need to know if they are involved with the beings. 
This is a list of 58 common indicators shared by most UFO abductees.  It is based on known research on the subject and on personal findings. It has been compiled to help you determine if you are an abuctee. If you know someone who fits many of these traits listed here, please seek the help of a qualified researcher or therapist this list is in no particular order
ask yourself if:
1.Have had unexplained missing of time of an hour or more
2. Have been paralyzed in bed with beings in your room
3. Have unusual scares or markings with no possible explanation on how you received them (small scoop indications, strait line scars, triangular marks, scars on roof of the mouth, in nose or on or in ears ect.)
4. Have seen balls of light or flashes of light in your home or other locations
5. Have memories of flying through the air which could not be a dream or many dreams about flying.
6.have a strong "marker memory" that will not go away(i.e. an alien face an examination, a needle, a table, a  strange skinny baby, ect:
7. have seen beams of light outside your home or come in through your window.
8.have had many dreams about UFO's, beams of light or alien beings.
9.have had a shocking UFO sighting or many UFO sightings in your life.
10. have a cosmic awareness, have a interest ecology, environment, vegetarianism or have a socially conscious.

This piece is not yet finished and will not be finished for a while due to the fact that there is a hell of a lot to write- Thankyou  
crop circle pictures