Freaky Creaturess
The world is filled with extreamly wierd and wacky creatures which prefer to keep to themselves but today, with the help of my accomplice, Alexamondo we will uncover these wierd animals and beings for you all to laugh and point at!
Mexican walking fish-
Personally I think this is a really cool animal and wish I owned one but unfortunatly they are rather costly.
The Cockroach-
Will keep on living for eight days after you cut its head off. Yuck!
The Spider-
I dont care if people think they are freaks i think they rock they have eight legs and eight eyes.:) cool
If you cut a chickens head of above the neck it will keep on running and twitching for several hours after the decapitiation because part of the chickens brain is in its neck.
The Scarab Beetle-
I think this bug has got to be the most kick arse bug in the world! It winning one back for all those poor helpless bugs people brutally squash for no reason! Also the Egyptians believe that they pulled the sun across the sky every morning and night!
The Mole-
Well, what can one say about a mole aside from the fact that their appearance is extreamly alarming, freaky and gross! ARRGGHH!
The Butterfly-
Nobody suspects the butterfly
MWAH ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
The worm-
If you cut a worm in half it will keep on living and grow back the half you cut off. They also have no eyes. ALso the half that was cut off will also continue to grow and live.
Camilians can move their eyes in different directions and have a really long tongue. They are really cool!
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