Energy Abound Holistic Massage Therapy & Reiki
Massage helps relieve stress and aids relaxation

Helps relieve muscle stiffness

Fosters faster healing of strains & sprains

Reduces muscle spasms

Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion

Promotes deeper easier breathing

Reduces high blood pressure

Strengthens immune system

Enhances the health and nourishment of the skin

Benefits of Massage

Massage creates a sense of being cared for, of being nurtured.  Massage helps us become more aware of our bodies and the feelings we value.  Human touch connects one person to another and the feelings shared are healing and energizing emotionally.  Massage by a responsible professional is a relaxing way to enjoy safe touch.
Massage gives one a feeling of comfort and relaxation like a mini vacation from the pressures of your life.

Weekly massage will make you look and feel years younger.  You owe it to yourself to give massage a try.

Call today to schedule a session! 


Good People
Family Chiropactic Care
Jill Dillner - Ordained Minister
Gaia's Gate
Holistic Massage Therapist & Reiki Master
Name: Kim Politowski
The Reiki Principles

Just for today do not anger.
Just for today do not worry.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Be honest in your work.
Be grateful for you blessings.
Five Effects from Reiki Energy:

It brings about deep relaxation.

It opens energy blockages.

It detoxifies the body.

It is healing universal life-force energy.

It increases one's vibrational frequency.
Would you like to experience the beneficial effects of Reiki?

Call today for an appointment.


Now taking Registration for Reiki Classes:                                        
Level I
Level II
Level III Master/Teacher

Call for details or contact me at