Hi I'm David.
Welcome to my web
This is my first web site so if you find something that's not working let me tell me about it.
Health, sports, and fitness: American football, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Billiards/Pool, Hiking, Hockey, Meditation, Nutrition, Walking, Yoga, Swimming.
Activities: Books / Reading, Camping / Outdoors, Shopping, Travel I like gawking at boys. I rarely touch, so I may as well look, eh? I'm also game for anything social.
Entertainment: Live music / Music, Movies / Film, T.V. / Videos / DVDs, Theater arts. I'm also very easily amused, and rather easily persuaded.
Scene: Alternative, Circuit boy, Club kid, Conservative, I'm very willing to learn. Not that I'm conformist, but I do enjoy being well-rounded.
More about me: I'm looking' for a special guy to occupy my time, obviously, but life's too short to pass up good friendships. I'm pretty easy-going if you are, so feel free to IM me anytime