Okay the Contest is this:  Tell me the movie that each of these three bands got there name from and post it on the message board.  YOU DO NOT EVEN NEED TO KNOW WHO THESE BANDS ARE TO GET THIS ANSWER RIGHT.

1.  Slick Shoes
2.  Death by Stereo
3.  Save Ferris

Congrats to Em For Winning This One

1.  Goonies
2.  The Lost Boys
3.  Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Congrats to Steph and Justin for winning this one!

Okay this one is gonna be a lot harder but a lot more fun!  First off--this is what it is.  Somewhere in the world there is a Message in a Bottle--All you have to do is find it!  Here is what you get:
1.  A check made out to you for $25!!!!
2.  A Bag of Doritos!
3.  A case of Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew--Your        choice!
4.   NoFX's Surfer 7"!
5.  And some other cool stuff too!

Oh yea--If it is not found by a June 18 we will post the where abouts of the bottle but the $25 bucks will not be given away--unless the majority of you out there make a good effort at finding this thing--in that case, the $25 will still be given out.

Okay, well, no better time to start than now.  Here are your first set of Clues:

1.  Okay all Hide and Seek Games must have boundaries--so does ours--You may have to travel as far north as Hybart, as far East as Repton, as far west as Grove Hill, or as far south as Uriah but you wont have to go past any of these.

2.  We promise that you will not get arrested by having to go and look in somebody's backyard or hunting land--but then again it is private property.

3.  What do a New Brush, a Gold Tooth, and a Big Truck have in Common??  Well, they have the same things in common with the whereabouts of the prize!

4.  Don't Worry about your shovel--you won't need one to win this contest.

5.  If you know anyone who likes to bend down a lot, ask them if they know where this bottle is...they might not know the exact location but they could narrow it down for ya.

6.  Don't Waste your time looking outside of city limits.  It may not be in Monroeville, but trust me, it want be in the Middle of Nowhere either.

7.   Okay!  I can't believe I'm actually gonna give this clue.  This right here is really gonna help.  Think long and hard about all you know about Robert Redford.  Everything.  The movies he has played in, directed, his life story, etc.  Okay Okay I know this may not help this much yet but when ya get closer if you think about clues like this one and number 2 and number 5 they will help!

8.  If you are looking outside of the literary capital of Alabama, you are wasting your time!

9.  Yes Or No--Yes it is in Monroeville!  You shouldnt waste yes or nos on questions that have already been ansewered by other clues! (8)

10.  Yes or no--Yes there is a building at the location of the bottle.

11.  I know that these clues suck--dont fret--im about to do some easy stuff--If you want to find the rich stuff ask yourself this question.  If you were at the circus what would you see?  This answer could lead you straight there!

12.  No it isnt located in a parking lot!

13.  Wolf is to Golf as line is to Pine as niger is to Tiger as hula is to _______.

14.  No, there isn't any horses near by!

15.  The Bearded Lady, The Stongman, and The Ringmaster--what do they have in common. 

***16.  Okay, I'm pissed.  I'm not mad that no one has found it just that everyone says these clues suck.  You have to think about stuff.  Okay don't pay any attention to the first 12 just 13 and 15.  In clue 13 you will notice that Golf, Pine, and Tiger are all in caps.  That maybe important.  You will also notice that all the letters in each comparison are the same except the first.  That might be important too.  Clue 15 just is flat out ez.  What do those 3 have in common--well i bet whatever it is might have to do with the location of the bottle.  Maybe u should use a search engine or something and try to find out about other people involved--maybe that could help.

Each day another clue will be added.  Remember, The first set of clues are the hardest!  As time goes by, they will get easier and easier.
The Hot Clues Thing is not gonna happen!!!  Instead I'm gonna answer yes or no questions about the contest!!!  Leave your questions in the forum!