A Product of TOPolk Productions |
"Because I'm That Damn Good" |
Extended AIM Profile |
This is basically a really big profile. Why? Well, two reasons : 1) AIM Profiles never give you enough space to say what you want most of the time 2) I got really bored one day, figured why not? |
April 1 - 14 2002 (yes, I know that's 2 weeks. Bite me) "Will things ever be the same again?……..It's The Final Countdown" - Europe Welcome to the last EAP (for the time being...maybe). Why the sudden stop? I ran out of things to say. I'm going to try and make this last one a good one and not run through the motions too much. If not, hey, at least there's the shout-outs to look forward to. "Your head will collapse, but there's nothing in it and you'll ask yourself...where is my mind?" - The Pixies "In case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see, this is my heart bleeding before you…" - Jewel Your head and your heart are two extremely complex things. When they work together, beautiful things happen. When they don't, you end up second guessing yourself a lot. If your head is into something but your heart isn't, you really could give two shits about whether something gets done or not. If your heart is into something but your head isn't, you usually end up looking like a damn fool before you realize what you've done. "And I'm lookin' for the kind of girl that reminds me of my mother, but its hard to find a girl with a viper tattooed on her tushy, and how many girls do you know that can play the harmonica with her……" - Bloodhound Gang Random Thought/Observation. Folks are always willing to settle for 2nd best when they get tired of looking, except for when it comes to relationships. People can trick themselves into being happy with "second-hand" goods, but not "second-hand" people. Find a decent looking shirt on sale, its yours. Pair of sandals in your size for five dollars, you're game. Find a videogame in the discount bin, it all the sudden looks appealing. Snagging a B when you could have worked for another 5 minutes harder for a A, you're content. Yet everyone (well, almost everyone) will kill themselves looking for that PERFECT mate when they could be perfectly happy with a lot of people. Why the eternal struggle? Hmm…. Spring Break is one of those breaks you love, but you hate at the same time. Right when you need it, you get time off to have a little fun, let your hair down, and all that other fun stuff. But when you get back, you're either a) so tired that you need another vacation, b) so relaxed that the last month of school seems like an eternity or c) both. About the Oscars, cool. I think its great that the 2 top individual awards went home w/ African Americans. Could I tell you what movies they were for? Probably not off the top of my head, I don't follow movies. Either way, its one of those things that I hope opens more doors down the road. "From bikes to trains to video games, it's the biggest toy store there is" - Toys R' Us commercial circa 1986 Turning back the clock to a previous quip, I feel old. Eventho I'm the youngest out of what seems like everyone, I still feel old. Things that happened a decade ago happened in 1992, not 1982. I remember 1992, quite well at that. I'm almost done with my Sophomore year of college. My younger sister is now 15. Madden '94 is now a game that is 8 years old. What the hell happened? Where'd all the time go? Speaking of getting old, I SUCK at videogames now. Its strictly a hobby. My days of Street Fighter II dominance is looong gone. I've come to accept the fact that I can't destroy everyone in Marvel v. Capcom 2, it's a fact of life. If it wasn't for the fact that I own everyone in Super Smash Bros. Melee, I'd never win anything. Sad. If 18-year old Terence were to play 8-year old Terence in a game of Street Fighter II Championship Edition, he'd get schooled QUICKLY. *sigh* "Everybody's got a price. Everybody's gonna pay. Cause the Million Dollar Man ALWAYS gets his way" - WWF Microsoft = Shitty Products. Yeah, I know, big newsflash there. At the time I thought Windows 98 was one of the more "stabler" Microsoft products. Nope. Hell, it seems like anything Microsoft touches has to fuck up in someway. Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP are all worth jack shit. I mean for cryin' out loud, they even managed to fuck up not one, but TWO videogame consoles ((Sega Dreamcast & Microsoft Xbox) Operating System-wise). I've narrowed all of Microsoft's profitability down to one product : Microsoft Excel. I have NEVER had a problem with it, nor do I know anyone who has had a problem with it. Once Microsoft Excel starts f-ing up, Microsoft can kiss those billions of dollars away. I love my Clemson Tiger athletics, but what the hell is up with our basketball program? THEY SUCK SO BAD! I went to all of no basketball games this season. Why? CAUSE THEY SUCK! I don't mind cheering for a losing team, but damn, at least try. On a more positive note, the Clemson Tigers Baseball Team is ranked #1 in the nation. They don't suck. :-) "Well, my name is Clemsonman and I'm from West Campus (West Campus) and all those courses I be takin' be 200-level" - Lee Gilman Now I'm not a mean person. Okay, I can be. Anyways, I feel that everyone needs to check THIS page out. The Page of Lee Gilman (aka Lee-Dogg aka Tiger 1 Kid aka Meeples) is not a fake. This is a REAL webpage of a real person who attends Clemson University. The foolishness of this webpage is NOTHING compared to seeing him in person. The itching, the bag on wheels, the random running, the stupid ass comments, and the combos and grape juice MUST be seen to be believed. As a favor to yourself and others, pass it on to your friends. The pictures page is a MUST see. Everyone needs to know about the demise of the American station wagon and the first few thousand digits o Pi. "Win if you can. Lose if you must. But ALWAYS cheat." - Jesse "The Body" Ventura Now I'm no advocate of cheating, but colleges need to just throw out the whole honesty code thing. No one follows it. Everyone cheats. I'm not talking about blatantly copying the dude next to you (people do that too). There's all types. There's the one you can do only on multiple choice tests where you kinda skim to see if other people have the same pattern you do. Or the math test one where you look to see if people took up just as much space w/ their work as you did. Then don't even let a teacher give a quiz online or make a test take-home. That's like saying "Oh, I don't care if you guys all work in groups, its not cheating because you're not in class." And don't let a teacher get lazy and not change what they do from year to year. Notebooks and papers get passed around like collection plates on Homecoming Sunday. Click on Mario's "mushroom" for the Shout-outs. Oh Come one. You know you want to. Why? CAUSE HE'S DAMN SEXY!!!! "Stan" was the first EAP song, and it'll prolly be the last….. |
As much as I love my Gamecube, I had to bring the Nintendo 64 out of retirement for one last dance. Conker's Bad Fur Day for $19.99 is worth that last dance. I mean what other game do you fight a giant poo monster, re-enact The Matrix, watch a pitchfork try to hang itself only to realize it doesn't have a neck, piss on giant rock monster things, re-enact Saving Private Ryan, cause cows to have chronic diaherra, shoot zombies, get drunk, raise a dinosaur, and all type of other retarded ass things? None. And that is why my dusty charcoal-black machine has returned to the coffee table. A system is only dead once you stop buying games for it...or it blows up, whichever comes first. |