A Product of TOPolk Productions

"Because I'm That Damn Good"

Extended AIM Profile

This is basically a really big profile.  Why?  Well, two reasons : 1) AIM Profiles never give you enough space to say what you want most of the time 2) I got really bored one day, figured why not?

April 22, 2003

Instead of my traditional EAP before finals, figured I'd jump the gun and post one 2 weeks before.  No, its not me being productive, just procrastination at its finest.


So the war's over in what….20 some-odd days?  Blink and you missed it.  Okay, maybe not since it was on the news 24/7.  IMO, FOX News had the best coverage.  2 reasons why: They had like 80 gazillion reporters and 72 gazillion of them were hot women.  Quantity + Sex Appeal = Great ratings.

"We want fun and you might as well face it.  We want have fun and we wanna get wasted"                           - Andrew W. K.

Things not to do when under the influence of alcohol.  1) Call your parents.  Just not a good idea.  2) Listen to someone tell you something that pisses you off to no end.  Depending on your state of mind, you'll probably just shrug it off.  Which is cool until you sober up, then you're probably about twice as mad as you would have been if you were coherent when you first heard it.  3) Pass out on the kitchen floor.  Ask my roomie about that.  IM me, I have pictures.  4) Find some girl at a party with a low cut shirt.  Preferably with lots of cleavage.  Stare.  Act offended when she covers up and respond by saying, "Well excuse me for staring."

[stroking ego] Most of the time I don't do the same topics in back-to-back EAPs, but I really liked this one.  Figured I'd bring it back for one more spin.  Probably one of the smartest things I've ever said...

"You are a radio star. You are a radio star. Video killed the radio star."                                                               - The Buggles

You can be replaced. Nobody needs your company, they just prefer it. You figure as conceited as I am, someone would be saying this to me. Life's funny. Just remember that you treat those around you how you want to be treated. People can only put up with so much…then it gets to a point where they just don't care or people care way too much because you've been come a bother. If they stop caring, well then you're up a river without a paddle. If they care too much, they're probably gonna beat you with a paddle first before sending you up the river.  [/stroking ego]

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up.  These are the best days of our lives."                                        - The Ataris

Very true.  Especially this year.  I have to say that I've been blessed.  This year has had its share of ups and downs, but in the end I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I mean you only get to do college once (hopefully).  To say I haven't enjoyed everyone's company and hospitality and love this year would be an understatement.

"Change.  Shit, I guess change is good for any of us… Shit, I'm with ya, I ain't mad at cha, I got nothin' but love for ya.  Do ya thing boy."                                                                                                                                                  - Tupac Shakur

Ya know, through the grapevine I've heard that a few folks think I've changed.  Good job Captain Obvious.  That's the point.  This ain't middle school, I can't be the same person forever.  Some of the changes may be positive to some and negative to others, but I'm not out to make other people happy.  Long as I sleep easy at night and can look myself in the mirror with no problem (and according to Michele & Kelli, I'm quite good at that), I'm happy.

"So keep me in this cage, until you run that mouth.   Then I'ma havta play, and break the fuck out"                  - Limp Bizkit

I also had a little birdie tell me that a few folks think I'm hypocritical.  Now I'll be the first to admit when I go back on a previous stance.  I have my flaws, I'm human.  Shit happens.  But if you're gonna call my hypocritical, how about you try knowing the whole story instead of bits & pieces.  Then maybe you'd be a little more careful in choosing your words.  I'd appreciate that.  Well that and just coming to me head up and talking about it.  You've got questions, I've got answers.  I'm like fuckin' Radio Shack. (but seriously, me and my hard-ass front aside, come holla at me and lets get stuff straight before summer.)

Retro Moment

"People work like this:  Strangers become acquaintances, acquaintances become friends...then slowly friends become acquaintances, and those acquaintances become strangers once again."

"Life is like reading a map.  When you think that you read a sign correctly or assume you're going the right way, you're probably slowly drifting off course."

Seeing as how I save everything, I dug these quotes up from freshman year.  At the time, I think I came up with them from either being slightly homesick or having a broken heart.  Either way, after a while they became pretty worthless and moved on to filling up my profile with more empty jibber-jabber.  But surprisingly, considering the state of everything I could see them actually holding some water now.

"I know it sounds sordid, but you'll be rewarded when at last I am given my dues"                                                   - Scar

Ya know, I don't ask for a lot.  All I wish for is everyone to treat each other nice.  That's all, nothing more, nothing less.  You never know who's gonna be in what position down the road.  When people get on top, they remember who treated 'em well when they were down on the bottom.  They also remember who treated 'em like shit when they were down on the bottom, better than they remember those who treated 'em well.  Just remember, don't completely burn a bridge unless you never plan on going back across it.  Ever.  10 years can make a big difference.

Guy Mode On

To the handful of people who get the joke of the format of this EAP, hats off to you.  Its been a long while since I've messed around w/ the formatting of this thing.  To everyone else, yes, I know that music gets annoying.  Its sounds like low quality porno music.  Not that I would know what that sounds like or anything.

The month of May will be a GINORMOUS month.  (GINORMOUS - Used to describe something of monumental size.  For example: "Shaquille O'Neal has a ginormous shoe size."  "Terence has a ginormous heart."  "Your momma has a ginormous ass.")  Why you ask?  Well you've got X-Men 2 and The Matrix Reloaded coming out.  WWE RAW is gonna be in the Bi-Lo Center on the 19th.  My birthday is gonna be on the 21st.   And best of all, I get to chill in Clemson with a group of people that look to be pretty chill.  If it weren't for that whole finals thing at the beginning of the month, I'd proclaim it the best month of the year.  Considering my last 2 Mays haven't been the best, I see my fortune changing dramatically.

Company counting cash hand over fist: Electronic Arts.  Just by judging people I know, I'd hate to be the guy who had to count how many copies of Madden, NBA Live, NASCAR Thunder, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, and NCAA Football they've sold over the past year.  Then you have to factor in all those 007: James Bond and Harry Potter games…  Man, I'm sure that CEO uses money instead 2-ply in his bathroom.

Clemson Students: Would anyone like to tell me why there is a pimped out golf-cart going around campus.   I can see the speakers.  And the air conditioning.  But the gold rims...come on now.  I swear the school had better not paid for this.

Since this'll probably be the last EAP for the semester, just wanted to throw much love out to the following people.  Hopefully I won't forget anyone:

Denny, Cecil, Phil, (Asian) Mike, Tristan, Liam, (Black) Mike, Kelli, Michele, Steph (Missy), Lauren, Clewner, Josh, John, Brandon, Nate, Brian, Nate, Cobby, Rachel, Bradley, Betsy, Andy, Ashleigh B., Erin, Ashleigh M., Vernon, Sarah, Chris, Tyrell, Tonya, Arianna, Danielle, Deborah, John T. (your "EAP" tis muy deep), Jennifer, Rebecca, Alexandra, Karell, Justin, Zannetta and Mom (who I so hope DON'T read this ;-)), and last but not least, the CU Ambassador crew.  I'm lookin' forward to spending the summer with you guys.