A Product of TOPolk Productions

"Because I'm That Damn Good"

Extended AIM Profile

This is basically a really big profile.  Why?  Well, two reasons : 1) AIM Profiles never give you enough space to say what you want most of the time 2) I got really bored one day, figured why not?

October 27-31, 2001

"Death is so final for only the living, the spirit will always remain" - Ozzy Osbourne

Ever notice how holidays seem to degrade as you get older?  When you were little Halloween was the 2nd best holiday of the year.  Now its like 5th.  I mean, dressing up and asking strangers for free stuff just isn't as appealing now.  Especially since coming to college.  I mean, people dress up in dumb ways every day and to get free stuff all you have to do is walk through the union.  Its like Halloween is everyday or something.

Guy Mode On

Ya know, there's only a handful of things that scare guys : losing your girl/not being able to get one, being embarrassed in front of your boys, and being kicked in the balls.  I'd have to say on average, these are our biggest fears.  Considering I only know of one guy who all three of these things happened to (in a 10hr time span no less), we do a damn good job of making sure as many of these things don't happen.

Being FDA'd is also a pretty big fear.  I don't know if its because no body wants stuff going in the out hole or if because all guys are really gay?  Maybe its one of those reverse psychology things.  Hard to get and whatnot…

Worst Ever : Goin' to the strip club and having one of the strippers look like your 8th grade English teacher...who happens to be a man.

Fear of the Semester :  LJC : I just don't like Asian women.  They scare me.

TOP : Why?  What'd they do to you?   LJC : Nothing, they just have black nipples.  That's scary to me."

"And whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down, Must stand and face the hounds of hell and rot inside a corpse's shell."                                                                                - Vincent Price                                 

College Mode On

Things people are afraid of the most in college : Being Late, Failing, Being Broke, and getting Hungover.

Things people do the most in college : Show up late, fail, spend money, and fight off hangovers. 

In the last month I've developed 2 new fears.  1) I don't like walking around Clemson when its dark.  No, I'm not scared of some big black guy robbing me or something (that's the LEAST of my worries for multiple reasons), I'm scared of those damn raccoons...and skunks...and otters...and the new kid on the block, opossums.    I'm tempted to buy a damn flashlight.  2) Kool-Aid.  Due to Liam and his electric Kool-Aid, I have no desire for Kool-Aid.  At least not for a while.  Just Sprite for me.

That white chick who sits in front of me in Accounting scares me.  I don't know why.  She seems nice.  I think its because she's always smiling.  I mean she's pretty and all, but I don't like people who smile at me all the damn time, especially not at 11am on a Tuesday/Thursday.  Those days are bad enough as is, I don't need more fuel on the fire.

"They rotten like an ol' apple off a forbidden tree…on Tuesdays and Thursdays you won't find me"

                                                                                                                                              - Hot Boys

Geek Mode On

Call a fanboy, call me a person running on blind faith, I don't care.  I just don't see the Nintendo GameCube failing this holiday season.  Nintendo knows the deal.  My only fear regarding the GCN (I know it should be NGC, but that's how Nintendo wants it) is that Micro$oft and their Xbox console end up playing spoiler.  Worse case scenario : Nintendo becomes like Sega and ends up just making games.  That would hurt me as bas as if Capcom decided to take Ken and Ryu out of their Street Fighter games.  Then the video game industry will be run by people who make Walkmans and really horrible operating systems (read : Windows).  We'll see come November.  11/15 - Xbox drops...3 days later, GameCube comes into play.  I've been doing my part spreading the word, so has Nintendo.  What happens next….

"...Using their new super powers, the Super Mario Brothers rescued video gamers everywhere, and beat back the evil Microsoft Corporation...  Bill Gates : I'll get those plumbers!!!"

- *smirks* no one's gonna call this one, so I'm not even gonna give you the source

Now that I've alienated about everyone 'cept for like 3 people….

College Football has to be the greatest thing in the world, but its also the scariest.  Every team has something to be afraid of.  Losing at home, losing on the road, having a weak schedule, injuries and what not.  Largest group of schools to be scared of something weird happening : Any school in the ACC with the exception of Wake Forest, Duke, NC State, and Virginia.  Considering that North Carolina/Georgia Tech, Maryland/Clemson, Florida St./Clemson, and Florida St./Georgia Tech, are still on the schedule anything can happen.  Only thing certain is that Duke is pretty much guaranteed to be the successor to South Carolina's longest losing streak.  They're already at 20 in a row...USC got to 21.  Speaking of USC, they've got shit to be afraid of too.  This is time of the year when they get to experience the lovely "Orange Crush."  For you non-S. Carolinians, the Orange Crush is when USC plays (and loses) to Tennessee (Orange/White), Florida (Orange/Blue), and Clemson (Orange/White/Blue/Purple) back-to-back-to-back.  This is the greatest part of the year...unless you happen to live in Columbia, SC :-)

Now we all know you can't have Halloween with telling some type of scary story.  Since I don't like ya'll enough to come up with something new I'll just throw out an old one.  If you wanna read it, be my guest.  I wrote it in English 101 at Lakewood just for shits and giggles mainly.  It's been described as pornographic, demented, and psychotic.  I just think its really bad...but I got an A on the paper anyways.  I think its because my teacher was a little nutzo herself.  Anywhoo, have at it.   "A Devil in the Woods."

Email : topolk@yahoo.com  AIM Screen Name : TOPolk  Http://www.clemson.edu/~pterenc