Diet and Fitness Know-How
We live a hurried life where we live off of convenience and pay little attention to taking care of our bodies.  The Center for Disease Control state that 65% of Americans are overweight and that 33% are obese.  With the production of snack foods rising from 250 kinds in 1970 to over 2,000 as of 1999 its no wonder our belts keep going up a notch year after year.  America is underactive and we are teaching our children the same habits.  Fast food, sweets and sodas have been replacements for family dinners and in this age of convenience, how can we supply our family with healthy well balanced meals when we are short of time?  There are many ways we can still keep a healthy lifestyle without being consumed by time.  All we need is just a little diet know-how.

Many Americans are left in the dark when it comes to weight-loss, especially healthy, safe weight-loss.  The first step to diet success is finding healthy ways to safely and effectivley lose weight.  Understandig your weight loss needs is an important beginning to any weight loss program.  By discussing a "winning weight" with your doctor, the two of you can determine what diet and exercise routine best fit in with your lifestyle and will help reach your goals.  It is important to consult your doctor before beginning diet and exercise, especially if you are more than 20% overweight or have been overweight for many years. 

Don't expect results overnight, establish an ideal weight by setting several short term goals.  Each time progress is made reward yourself with non food rewards, for example, a new pair of shoes or an outfit to fit your new body.

Be aware of fad diets!  According to the Federal Trade Commission Americans spend $6 billion per year on deit books, gimmicks and other so called diet products.  Not only are these diets risking our health, they are putting dents in our pockets and we almost always gain the weight right back after stopping the program.  THere are several ways to spot a Fad Diet:

                                       - It doesn't include the variety of foods from the Food Pyramid and does not                                           teach good eating habits
                                       - It claims to "trick" the metabolism into wasting calories or energy
                                       - It makes claims of dramatic and fast weight loss

The most sensible weight loss is a balance diet by eating a variety of foods in moderation.

Second, we need to determine the number of calories we consume and the number we burn.  Establish permanant good eating havis  Fad diets may take the weight off, but they don't keep it off.  Diet success is dependant on ony one factor, you.  Slow weight loss equals healthy weight loss.  While the results may not be immediate, the chance to keep the weight off for life is rewarded.  So, establishing a healthy weight loss regimen takes knowing how many calories you body will burn so we can taylor our food intake accordingly.  A moderatly active person needs about 15 calories per pound to maintain weight.  For example, a person weighing 150 lbs needs 2, 250 calories to maintain that weight.  In order to lose 1 pound you mush burn 3500 calories more than consumed

When limitin gyour caloric intake nutritional needs still need to be met.  Variety is a key factor when dieting.  By choosing food from the 5 groups, and allowing an occasional treat, you are ensured you are getting the nutrients you body thrives on.  Encourage your wise choices by eating balanced food plans that can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Eating patters should be evaluated when starting a diet regimen.  If you find yourself constatnly hungry throughout te day, or mindlessly munching, six small meals may helpcontrol hunger or sudden urges to snack.  If three large meals are prefered, plan for a low calorie snack in between such as yogurt, fruit or a granola bar.

Limit fat intake and Saturated animal fats to more healthy monosaturated fats found in nuts, wheat germ, cold water fish and begetable sources such as flaxseed, conola oils and soybeans.

Cut down on refined sugars.  Carbohydrates should come from fruts, vegetables and whole grains.  Switch from white bread to wheat bread and regular pasta to whole wheat pasta.  Eat foods high in fiber such as oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

Stay away from sodas and fruit juices and beverages that contain nothing but sugar and empty calories.  They add nothing good to your body but unwanted weight.

Lastly, find an exercise routine and activity that fits into your lifestyle.  Start out slow and gradually work your way up to regular aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging or swimming.  Not only does exercise burn calories, it may increase your body's metabolic rate and improve sense of well being.

Eating right for life can be enjoying if we keep our motivation and allow for an occasional treat.  With so many varieties of light food on the market there are more choices of foods that are more enjoyable than carrots and celery sticks. 

Low calorie sweetners replace granulated sugar and help ease the cravings for sweets. Substitute these in baking, in cereal and even in your morning cup of coffee. 

Keep up your motivation and don't be discouraged if you veer off track.  Don't let one slip up end your diet.  Everyone has slip ups and its not the end.  Get back on track and try again.  There are too many benefits to staying fit and healthy, in the long run it helps our bodies, our minds and our spirits. 

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