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Tophatt's Personal Homepage
Hi. let me tell you about myself. I'm a person that believe in the quote do unto others, as you want others, to do unto you.
The most dearest and precious person in my life is my daughter.. Yasmeen.
I like to rebuild computers,  watch horror movies and my favorite television program, Star trek Voyager. Now I build new PC's
My favorite book, The Bible
The fire from within...
My favorite book in the Bible is Proverbs, Especially chapter one through nineteen. I think that they should teach more of proverbs in the Church....
To touch the soul or heart of a persons being is to walk on holy ground and you've made another special person happy...
If you're wondering what I am talking about, every living human being has it.They just have to learn, how to let the glory of GOD shine forth.
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