to The Dome of Hot Naked Chicks
If you are a hot naked chick, or even a hot chick that wants to join our Topherite colony, live in a dome, get naked, and run around like that for as long as you are sexy, please sign up by filling out the following application form and sending it to us, tophersa@hotmail.com nineinchnik@hotmail.com
NOTICE: as soon as you lose your sexy sexiness, you will be cast out as an "OLD BAG" Thank you, and remember, we are going to use you for your sexy sexiness... |
If you are a guy, you may join if:
1.) You promise to wear clothes at all times... (except in your own
discretion) we don't want to see it (Thus the name, dome of hot naked
CHICKS) 2.) You posses "dome-making" abilities. |
Here are some prime examples of the kind of girls we are looking for:
This includes:
1.) NO zits 2.) No FAT chicks 3.) Must be at least 17 years of age 4.) Must be SEXY (duh!) 5.) Must look good naked (You are going to be spending a lot of time like this) 6.) Must be willing to give it up on demand. (We will not specify any more) 7.) Preferably Blonde 8.) Must be over 5 Feet Tall... |
Here are some prime examples of women that DO NOT meet our minimum requirements.
This page is under construction, as is our dome... We are accepting applications at this time...