My name is Stefanie Smith, and I am the owner of Top Lop Rabbitry. My journey with Hollands began when I was about 12 years old-getting a broken Holland from my then 4-H advisor. I had only had Hershey for a short time, but he was the beginning to many years of a great hobby. After I lost Hershey I got Sassy and Sam in trade for babysitting for my 4-H advisor. I found out about an ARBA show from a flyer, and begged my dad to take me. We went with my rabbits in tow, and WOW what a day! I took three rabbits with me, Sassy, Sam, and Saraphena(baby I had raised). Sassy didn't do so well, Saraphena was DQd, but Sam won BOB-at an Ohio Holland Specialty show! I remember Dwayne Scott coming up an introducing himself and asking if I had a membership in the Ohio club, and welcoming me into showing! I had several people who helped get me started with my first herd, and I thank you all. Some are still raising and showing and some aren't, but you were all a beneficial part in helping me! Carla Wilson took me to my first Holland national specialty-where I was able to meet people from all over the US who showed Hollands, and I purchased my buck who ended up helping me fix shoulder problems I'd had for years from Jamie Wardlow-pictured at left. I had many good years with many good people in my youth days. I hated to have to sell out, but as I was approaching 18 and moving out of home I didn't have a place to keep my rabbits so I had to sell out. I rebuilt in about 2001 with the help from Joy Kretzer from Texas. She sold me some AWESOME rabbits, and those in addition to some stock I bought from the Battsons, and a few others were fundamental in growing my herd to what it was in 2005. I won't ever forget all the help everyone gave me in my rebuilding process, and the great friends I had along the way. I had to slow down due to the impending arrival of my younger daughter, and here I am today. I have a handfull of rabbits left from my foundation lines, and hope to rebuild from them, with some younger blood thrown in. Both my girls enjoy the rabbits, and my younger one looks forward to helping me on the days that the weather allows her to be outside everytime. I hope someday my girls can have the same memories I do of all the great people out there in the rabbit world, and the great relationships that can form in this wonderful hobby! Stef |