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The History of Tahitian Noni
Ancient peoples of what is now known as French Polynesia colonized islands throughout the South Pacific. As they made their voyages from island to island in ocean-going canoes, they brought with them sacred plants from their home islands. These plants contained the basic foods, construction materials, and medicines used by the Polynesian colonizers. Perhaps the most important of these plants was simply known as Noni. Noni was highly valued for its healthful qualities.
Ancient manuscripts handed down from generation to generation cite the noni fruit as the primary ingredient in their natural health preparations. This simple plant known by the people of the islands of the South Pacific as "Noni" was destined to become the most unique and important natural health discovery in decades. The fruit of the noni plant yielded a very strong tasting juice that the people of Polynesia have used for over 2000 years for its amazing health benefits. Scientific studies validate the unique and varied health benefits of this miraculous plant. These studies show that Noni has the potential to stimulate the immune system, purify the blood, inhibit tumor growth, regulate proper cell function, and even regenerate damaged cells.
Some of the many ailments for which Noni has been used successfully namely Abdominal Swelling, Abscess, Alcoholism, Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Burning In the Chest, Bursitis, Childbirth Complication, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cigarette Smoking, Cough and Sore Throat, Depression, Digestive Problems, Drug Abuse and Addiction, Fever with Vomiting, Gum Disease, Inflammation, and Soreness, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Indigestion, Infection of the Mouth and Gums, Kidney and Bladder Problems, Loss of Appetite, Lung Problems, Menstrual Problems, Obesity, Pre-Cancerous Conditions, Psoriasis, Spreading of Dark Spots on the Skin, Stress, Swelling of the Ankles, Tendonitis, Urinary Tract Ailments, Wounds, Fractures and Boils. Noni contains numerous phytochemical complexes that are not found in any other known plant. These phytochemicals work synergistically to enhance the function of each individual component. Researchers think this may account for Noni's amazing array of therapeutic benefits to various body systems.
Scientific studies show that Noni has the potential to stimulate the immune system, purify the blood, inhibit tumor growth, regulate proper cell function, and regenerate damaged cells.
Phytochemicals are natural chemicals found in the plants. Scientists are finding that many of these plants have profound disease-preventing and health-promoting benefits. Drugs used to treat illness and disease are classed as pharmaceuticals. Phytochemicals in plants having potential health benefits are classed as nutriceuticals. Noni contain a wide variety of beneficial phytochemicals, some of which are not found in any other known plant.
The body produces xeronine in order to activate certain inactive enzymes so they can function properly. Xeronine also regulate and give structure to proteins, a process essential to life. Insufficient levels of xeronine in the body can lead to serious health problems. Our body's ability to produce xeronine diminishes as we age. Disease, injury, trauma, and stress can also lower xeronine in our bodies, creating a xeronine deficiency. Noni juice can increase the ability of cells within the body to absorb and utilize nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Low serotonin levels in the brain are linked to clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive behaviors such as overeating, bulimia, schizophrenia, sleep problems, migraine headaches, autism, drug and alcohol addictions, Alzheimer's disease, and patterns of violent behavior. Both drugs have a list of side effects that extends into the hundreds. Whole foods such as Noni juice have no side effects. Noni has proven beneficial to the body in the lowering of blood pressure. Noni juice also exhibit anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibiotic, antiviral, antitumor, and antihistamine properties.
Those with compromised immune systems such as persons afflicted with HIV disease , AIDS, and chronic fatigue syndrome had even more dramatic responses.
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