April 17, 2004

RAW Choice Cut: The Pixies - "Velouria"

One of those dual-sided RAWs.  I've got something planned for the EAP, so a lot of random thoughts are gonna get tossed into here.  Color-coded for those who like diving into my psyche.  Most of ya'll have been doing it long enough, no need to explain.

"There's no greater power than the power of goodbye…"                                                                                                  - Madonna

Sometimes I think I'm the most sentimental person around.  Well, other than maybe Libby.  She's a girl and can get away with tearing up.  I don't think I can pull that one off.  Well anyways, I was thinking about stuff.  Every year (including last year when I didn't really leave) I've been the last person to leave.  I like saying goodbye to everyone, even if that does mean I have to help around 8 different people carry stuff to their cars.  I makes me happy.  I think this year I might change up.  I'm shooting to be one of the earlier people to leave town.  Not because I'd finally like to actually get some help carrying MY stuff to the car - but because I want someone to be around to say goodbye to me for a change.

"But lean a little bit closer and see that roses really smell like boo-boo."                                                                             - Outkast

"You're a touch overrated.  You're a lush, and I hate it."                                                                                  - Taking Back Sunday

Another semi-old topic that never got used, coming up.  Has anyone ever noticed that once you fall out of like/love with someone, it seems as if they changed.  All the sudden, all the little things that you liked beforehand now just irk you to no end.  Sometimes just being in their presence is enough to drive you nuts.  And there's not really a reason for it.  It's not that they've changed, its just that someone came by and took off the rose colored glasses.  Now that you're not completely blinded, everything's suddendly a lot clearer.

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.  Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go."                       - Green Day

Biggest issue at un momento - NOT finding a career.  I tend to forget this sometimes and I wind up getting myself all worked up about still not having a job.  I can take some solace in the fact that no one else (minus Cecil - congrats) has found a job (misery loves company - tight job market will do that), but I'm not looking for something long term.  All I wanna do is kill two years of time somewhere, then I can come back and get my MBA.  As well as I plan things out (even those times I do it by accident), I'm surprised I forget this more often than not.  Me and my stupid delusions of grandeur.  So if anyone hears me whining, block me out.  Now if in four years time, when I'll have the BS and the MBA (along w/ the WCW World Title), then listen and console me.  As of now, I'll just keep waiting.

"My faith is now greater because I know that I'm the man"                                                                                             - Pastor Troy

Speaking of title belts.  I really, really, really want one.  I'm torn between the WWF World Heavyweight Title (1986-1998 Classic Eagle Version) and the World Heavyweight Title (aka - the RAW brand Championship Strap / WCW World Heavyweight Championship / NWA World Heavyweight Championship).  Now I want one for two reasons: 1) I'm a big kid.  Having one of those things to call my own would quite possibly rock my world to no end.  Just the cool factor alone is worth the price of owning one.  2) I'm a huge wrestling fan (collective "duh" from everyone reading).  Just the history and tradition behind it are enough for me.  It's kinda like why huge Michael Jordan fans paid a lot for those $150 "authentic" jerseys back in the day.  Doesn't mean jack shit to me, but to them its pretty damn cool.  I find it odd that everyone else finds this to be one of the most retarded things I've had an urge to purchase ever.  And that everyone includes my mom and excludes Miss Jen and Tyrell (who owns the WWE Undisputed Title.  May be a little biased…).  Guess who earned cool points and who lost them.

Number of girls we've fooled by telling them that Andre Agassi plays for the Boston Red Sox: 3

Smarter sex: Males.

"Now there's just no chance for you and me.  There'll never be."                                                                          - Justin Timberlake

About two and a half years ago I wrote that there is nothing worse than seeing a man settle.  While this is true, I have no problem with a man giving up.  But only when its for the right reasons.  Like say, over a girl.  There are some girls you can go out of your way to impress.  To be good to.  But they just don't notice.  So what next?  Stop.  Throw in the towel.  There's no point fighting a battle you know you're gonna lose and wind up using all your resources.

"Yo, I can't get mad cause you look at me.  Cause on the real - look at me."                                                                         - Ma$e

A few nights ago, I was talking with someone and he was telling me about how he was jealous of on of his friends.  Now this struck me as odd - considering this guy isn't normally the jealous type.  Anywhoo, we talked a little more, and as usual, money (or lack thereof) was the cause of this.  Now while this is a good a reason as any to get upset, I can't really justify the whole jealousy part (unless pancakes are involved).  Unless you're in dire need of something, there's no need to get all worked up.  Maybe its because I keep 2 things in consideration.

  1. 1) There's probably a good reason things work how they do.  Might be karma.  Might be hard work.  Might be an end justifying the means thing.  Might be just flat out luck.  Either way, your moment will come eventually.

  2. 2) I've never been big on keeping up with everyone else.  Not my cup of tea.  Takes too much effort.  However, I do believe in playing the game of "he who finishes with the most, wins."  Maybe that's why I've never cared much for the jealousy thing.  Kinda hard to get upset over stuff at the end.

Random Analytical Writing

Past RAWs: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11