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ISO 9002 certified.  We have been an industry leader for over 10 years in the development, manufacturing, distribution and marketing .

Top-Sharp International Enterprise


Unit B1, 11/F, Jone Mult Bldg, 169 Wai Yip St, Kwun Tong, Kln, HK

Tel: 852-2142 0288 

Fax: 852-8161 6000  

USA  Fax: 1 419 8181 294

©Copyright 2000 



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Fitness Scale is the ultimate weighing-machine for clubs and pharmacies,robust,accurate,safe,reliable...
Fitness scale was designed to meet the following needs:
  • Accuracy, because even 100g or 4 oz matter
  • Safety, because user may be naked or in humid places
  • Robustness, because heavy people want heavy duty machines
  • Visibility
  • We have met these requirements in the following ways:

  • 100 g (4 OZ) accuracy from 500g (1 Lb) to 180 Kg (400 Lb)
  • Separate professional power supply (scale is powered at 9V)
  • Made of steel, with 250 Kg (550 Lb) load cell
  • Modern design and RED displays
  • Fitness scale is available in the following versions:

  • FTS-A : it is the basic model, no coin acceptor, no height meter. Ideal to offer a free weight service.
  • FTS-C : it is the same as FTS-A, but it has got the Coin Acceptor option. To provide a service, and make some money.
  • FTS-H : The Ultimate Fitness scale, with Height Meter and BMI (body mass index) computer. If you want to provide a qualified service, this is what you need.
  • FTS-HC: Same as FTS-H, with coin acceptor option.
  • Dimensions in cm :
    *H=235 for FTS-H
    Dimensions in ft&In:
    *H=7´8" for FTS-H
    33 Kg (72 Lb)
    110-230 VAC 50/60Hz 20 VA

    fitness scale bmi computer

    ©Copyright 2000 Top-Sharp International Enterprise

    Unit B1, 11/F,Jone Mult Bldg, 169 Wai Yip St, Kwun Tong, Kln, Hong Kong

    Tel: 852-8120 0828  Fax: 852-8161 6000   USA  Tel: 1 214 8899 214 USA Fax: 1 419 8181 294 UK Fax: 44 870 13 00 0 35
