For Arab Executive Patients

Top Specialists Encyclopedia


Thomas Varga, DDS



Chronic Pain

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Back Pain

Brain Tumors

Other Medical Conditions

Blood & Lymphatic System 
Bones, Joints and Muscles 

Brain and Nervous System 


Digestive System 

Ear, Nose, and Throat

Endocrine System (Hormones)

Eyes and Vision

Genetics/Birth Defects

Heart and Circulation 

Immune System
AIDS, HIV Infections

Injuries and Wounds

Kidneys and Urinary System 

Lungs and Breathing

Mental Health and Behavior 

Mouth and Teeth

Poisoning, Toxicology,
Environmental Health

Pregnancy and Reproduction

Skin, Hair and Nails

Substance Abuse 

Procedures and Therapies 

Symptoms and Manifestations

Child and Teen Health

Men's Health 

Seniors' Health

Women's Health

Health and Wellness

Sexual Health 
Social/Family Issues 



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Arab Physicians And Scientists Directory

Arabic Cancer Patient Publications

World Specialists Directory

Exceptional Arab Family:
How To Care For Children
With Special Needs 

Arab American Seniors Association

Orange County 
Care Providers Directory

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. . .
Dental/Medical Conditions and The Specialists Who Treat Them
Updated On Continuing Basis
Dental Care & Serious Illnesses:
      • Heart Disease

      • .
      • Diabetes

      • .
      • Respiratory Diseases

      • cancer

Thomas Varga, DDS (Switzerland):

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List of Infertility Specialists

Infertility In Oil Rich Arab countries:
There are960000 Arab couples who are likely to seek treatment at foreign infertility clinics. (more information)

Arab patients will pay large deposits toward a treatment:
Accordingl to  Tampa General Hospital: Regina Grisales, International Patient Coordinator, “I got a wire for $75,000 for a deposit. The patient isn't even here".  
(more information)

What is infertility?
Infertility is described as a disease or condition of the reproductive system. Infertility is often diagnosed after a couple has had one year of unprotected, well-timed intercourse, or if the woman has suffered from multiple miscarriages. 

Who gets infertility?
Infertility is a medical problem, which may be caused by both males and females.  Typically, about 40% of infertility is due to a female factor and 40% is due to a male factor. 

What are the risk factors for infertility?
There are several  factors, such as:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Tubal Disease
DES Exposure

More Information

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Chronic Pain:1

Why Patients Get Misdiagnosed

When reviewing a chart, a great deal of confusion can arise, confronted with a claimant, who seems to have a valid claim, but does not have supporting medical evidence. There are several diagnoses such as “chronic pain syndrome,” or "low back pain," which are not diagnoses but rather are descriptions. Likewise, “lumbo-sacral strain,” or "cervical strain” should be reserved for an acute problem, but are not applicable for a chronic problem, since sprain last only four to six weeks by definition. When a physician is using these poor descriptions or faulty diagnoses rather than specific diagnoses, there is a 40% to 67% chance that the claimant will really have a definable organic lesion, that is real, and probably could respond to appropriate treatment (Hendler et al., Psychosomatics, ’93, and ’96). The implications for the insurance industry, especially in the area of return to work, is obvious. (More Information)

Nelson Hendler, M.D.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery: 2
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Back Pain: 3
PLDD, Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression
PLDD is the minimally-invasive medical procedure developed by Dr. Daniel S.J. Choy in 1986 that uses a laser beam to treat back and neck pain caused by a herniated disc.

A herniated disc is like a balloon with a weak spot. Inflating it will cause a bulge (herniation). Pain results from the bulge pressing against nerves in the spinal column.

The half-hour PLDD treatment is performed on an outpatient basis using only local anesthesia. During the procedure, a thin needle is inserted into the herniated disc under x-ray guidance. An optical fiber is inserted through the needle and laser energy is sent through the fiber, vaporizing a tiny portion of the disc nucleus. This creates a partial vacuum which draws the herniation away from the nerve root, thereby relieving the pain. The effect usually is immediate.

Patients get off the table with just a small adhesive bandage and return home for 24 hours of bed rest. Then patients begin progressive ambulation, walking up to a mile. Most return to work in four to five days.

Because only a thin needle is used, there is no cutting and no scarring. Since only a tiny amount of disc is vaporized, there is no subsequent spinal instability. PLDD is different from open lumbar disc surgery because there is no damage to the back muscle, no bone removal or large skin incision. Most of the complications that may occur with open surgery are eliminated with the PLDD procedure.

Daniel S.J. Choy, M.D. 

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Brain Tumors: 4
The two major categories of brain tumor are: primary (those that develop in the brain) and metastatic (those originating elsewhere in the body but spreading to the brain secondarily). Both classifications include many different types of tumors, each with a unique prognosis and individualized treatment. 

Brain tumors can occur at any age and cause greatly diverse symptoms relatively independent of the exact tumor type. When the tumor increases pressure on the brain within the skull, victims may suffer headache, blurred vision, vomiting, and mental dulling. Localized signs of brain dysfunction may occur when a tumor destroys or compromises areas of the brain that regulate specific functions, such as language ability or motor control. 

Treatment of a tumor depends on the type, location, size, and whether it is benign or malignant. Skilled neurosurgeons can often completely remove benign tumors. For malignant brain tumors, surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible to relieve pressure may precede radiation treatment. Researchers are still investigating the usefulness of chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant primary brain tumors. (More Information)

Mark S. Schnitzer, M.D. 

.Travel & Shopping Information
For Arab Executives & Their Families

Travel Information:
Air Lines
Taxi, Limo

On Line Shopping:
Fedex and UPS deliver packages to oil rich Arab countries within 3 days.
Most international couriers offer this service as a standard service.
Included items for Family, Baby, Children, Men, Women, Gifts and Rehabilitation Products.

Oil Rich Arab Countries: 
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman , Qatar,  Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates


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