Colargol ~ Barnaby ~ Jeremy - The Merchandise


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When it comes to merchandising, Jeremy seemed to have missed the boat entirely. Colargol drinking glasses were apparently given out in the Netherlands by a mustard company, and Barnaby at least had a number of badly drawn books published in his honour, but Jeremy has next to nothing to show for. He could have taken a few tips from Tintin and Pingu in this respect, but then again, perhaps Jeremy never wanted to become a puppet for mass market consumerism.

You will have much better luck searching for Colargol collectibles, and the best place to look is on ebay France, Qoop in the Netherlands, QXL in Norway, or on Allegro in Poland.  When searching in Polish, also keep an eye on 'Colargola'. You might find a Colargol promotional item, such as a game, a cup, a View-Master reel, the odd trinket, or a nice hardcover book. Of course, you'd probably just like to find some old video tapes of the show...browse the known videos that have been released...

       Dutch Beertje Colargol Puzzle [sold for approx $10-20USD]

Rare Colargol Figurine
by Delacoste, 1971
[sold for €150-225]

Original Brass mold for the Delacoste toy
[sold for €331]
Barnaby Piggy Bank
[sold for €61]
Colargol Halloween Mask
[sold for approx $50]
Colargol Stickers
[approx $10]

Stuffed Colargol Bear
[sold for I forget]
Another Stuffed
Colargol Bear
[sold for €133]
Yet Another Stuffed
Colargol Bear
[sold for €250]
Colargol Viewmaster Reel
[sold for approx $20]
ORTF Colargol Glass
[approx $10]
Printing Block for the 1979 film
"Colargol, Au Tour Du Monde"
[Sold for €141]
ORTF Story Books ORTF Journals/Magazines

Colargol Plastic Jar
w/ lid
[approx $10]
Dutch Colargol
Playing Cards
[approx $10]
ORTF Colargol colouring book
[approx €10]

Original printing negative from Colargol book
[sold for €33]

Original cover artwork from Colargol book
[sold for €25]
Set of 6 pages of original illustrations from Colargol book
[sold for €28 and €42]
Full-page spread of original artwork from Colargol book
[sold for €36]
Authentic Puppets!
Hand made by
the creator himself!

MORE! Check out this online museum of Colargol items!

Movie Posters

Colargol and the Wild West movie poster Colargol in Space movie poster Colargol and the Magic Suitcase movie poster Colargol Around the World Belgian movie poster
[Original Polish Colargol Movie Posters $20-35 in Poland]

[Belgian Poster $23]


Hardcover Books
Published by Editions G.P. - Rouge et Or
Photos by ORTF

[Each book sells for approx $10, depending on condition - the Dutch 'Space' book is especially recommended]

This series of hardcover books was published in French and Dutch in the 1970s. There may be one or two more books beyond these 8 (the last 3 shown above are in Dutch). These books are great due to the fact that they use fabulous original still photographs from the animated series. Most of these books are approximately 30 pages in length, but the Dutch 'Space' book is extra special. It is nearly 100 pages long, and features ubber cool images of Colargol in space. If you can't find a copy of the space episodes on video, this book is the next best thing. A number of cartoon Colargol and Barnaby books or 'Annuals' were published as well, but the 2D cartoons are not nearly as charming as the original puppets.

Audio Recordings

Looking back on Colargol's career, you will probably find some of his early Philips recordings in your search. It was the imaginative storytelling combined with the music of Mireille that first made Colargol a star. Nora Brockstedt's beautiful voice can be found on a 1974 Norwegian LP, and in the Netherlands, Janine van Elzakker sings on a couple of Dutch LPs that were also produced.

Shown below are the voice credits for the original 4 Colargol recordings. In addition to writing the music, note Mireille also sang the voice of Nordine.

[Each LP sells for approx $10-40, depending on condition]

Super 45 - 17 cm

1. Colargol et le Roi des Oiseaux - 1961 - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 156
2. Colargol Chanteur de Cirque - 1961 - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 157
3. Colargol Moussaillon - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 160
4. Colargol au Pôle Nord - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 161
5. Colargol et le Cerf-volant - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 162

6. Colargol sur la Lune - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 163
7. Colargol retrouve Nordine - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 181
8. Colargol Ourson d'Honneur - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 182
9. Colargol et la Reine Elizabeille - 1967 - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 188
10. Colargol et les Méchantes Guêpes - Philips Super 45 Tours E1E 9 189

LP 33 - 25 cm


1. Colargol et le Roi des Oiseaux, Colargol Chanteur de Cirque - Philips 33 Tours E1R 0045
2. Colargol Moussaillon, Colargol au Pôle Nord - Philips 33 Tours E1R 0046
3. Colargol et le Cerf-volant, Colargol sur la Lune - Philips 33 Tours E1R 0049
4. Colargol retrouve Nordine, Colargol Ourson d'Honneur - Philips 33 Tours E1R 0076

These 4 LPs combine two stories on to one LP

Other LPs

Audio CDs

Philips re-released the original Colargol recordings on 2 Audio CDs at some point, perhaps in the early 1990s. Shown below is Volume 1.

Les Aventures De L'ours Colargol Vol 1 of 2 - Philips - 848 110-2

Then in 1994, Spectrum Music released 2 Colargol CDs, perhaps another release of the original recordings?

Volume 1

Colargol Et Le Roi Des Oiseaux
Colargol, Chanteur De Cirque
Colargol Mousaillion
Colargol Au Pôle Nord
Colargol Et Le Cerf-Volant
Spectrum Music/Phonogram 1994
Volume 2

Colargol Sur La Lune
Colargol Retrouve Nordine
Colargol, Ourson D'honneur
Colargol Et La Reine Elizabeille
Colargol Et Les Méchantes Quêpes
Spectrum Music/Phonogram 1994

In June of 1996, a reissue of the stories of Colargol is released on CD in France. It contains the same music by Jean-Michel Defaye, but all new voices. Regretfully, a male voice rather similar to Barnaby is chosen for Colargol. This CD is also labeled Volume 1, so I think we can assume there is also a Volume 2.

Les Aventures De L'ours Colargol Vol 1 - Rym music, ASIN: B00004UMQB

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