Welcome to Torah2go!

The idea behind this project is to make weekly parsha sheets available on PDA devices (i.e. Palm Pilots).

Torah2go is ideal for PDA’ s that use the AvantGo web browser. It provides the same links that are available at various Jewish web sites. But only links to the weekly parsha sheets are provided so AvantGo downloads only them and not the rest of these web sites (which can get quite big).

Content comes from Project Genesis The Shema Yisrael Torah Network Aish.com ,  and Ohrnet .
Weekly candle lighting time is provided each week straight from Aish.com.

It might be a good idea to set aside 175K of memory for this channel, though each week seems to be averaging close to 160K. OR if you prefer you can choose not to download graphics and save about 60K.

  • Click here to add the Torah2go channel to your PDA Avantgo browser!
  • OR click here to add the Torah2go channel without graphics to your PDA Avantgo browser!
  • You will be asked to log into your AvantGo account. If you don't have an account you can sign-up there. It's free!
  • After you’re all signed up with AvantGo click on "Save Channel" at the bottom of the page. (You can customize the settings there but the default settings have worked well so far.)
  • The first time you "hotsync" may take an extra 3-5 minutes.
  • If you don't see around 20 links to parsha sheets click here.

    Other handheld devices that can browse the web can access Torah2go at http://www.oocities.org/torah2go/index2.html

    If you have any comments or suggestions please drop us an e-mail at torah2go@yahoo.com.

    Shabbat Shalom!