Torah2go - Ew'Vilechtica Ba'Derech
Links update throughout the week.

P a r s h a s
T a z r i a
  1. "RavFrand" List (5767)- Rabbi Yissocher Frand on the Weekly Parsha
  2. Drasha (5760)- Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky on the Weekly Parsha

    Shema Yisrael Torah Network
  1. Outlooks and Insights: by Rabbi Zev Leff
  2. Midei Shabbos BeShabbato: by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
  3. Bigdei Kahuna: Practical Torah thoughts for everyday living, by Yehuda Katz
  4. Hear and your Soul Shall Live: by Rabbi Moshe Webber (PDF only)
  5. Torah MiTzion on the Weekly Parsha by Rabbi Ben Zion Sobel
  6. Peninim on the Torah: by Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum
  7. Beloved Companions: by Rabbi Yisroel Pesach Feinhandler
  8. Beloved Children: by Rabbi Yisroel Pesach Feinhandler
  9. Torah Attitude by Rabbi Avraham Kahn
  10. JParsha Potpourri: by Oizer Alpor
  11. Kinder Torah by Simcha Groffman
  12. Weekly Shabbos Halacha Series based on the shiurim given by Rabbi Dovid Ostroff
  13. Sedrah Selections by Zvi Akiva Fleisher
  14. What's Bothering Rashi? by Dr. Avigdor Bonchek
  15. Between the Fish and the Soup by Jacob Solomon
  16. Morsels of Hebrew Grammar by Meshullam Klarberg
  17. Chasidic Insights by Zvi Akiva Fleisher
  18. Oroh V'Simchoh-Meshech Chochmoh on the Weekly Parsha by Zvi Akiva Fleisher
  1. Shabbat Shalom Weekly with candle lighting time!

  2. For the full Aish channel see
  1. Torah Weekly- Highlights of the Weekly Torah Portion

  2. For the full Ohrnet channel see
    Rav Kook
  1. FIXED! Rav Kook- on the Weekly Parsha

  2. For the Rav Kook archives see

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Shabbat Shalom!
