Seska sound files:
"Youve got 10 seconds to run"
"In another month, Chakotay will have a son..."
"Fire on my order"
"Ive missed you..."
"Thank goodness he doesnt look to human, you all have..."
"You see who is in charge now dont you"
"I always said Janeway was a fool"
"Isnt their loyalty inspiring"
"The program is not over"
"Just like old times, isnt it"
"Does your program have any problem with that"
"We have a crewman on Voyager who is willing to..."
"As you can see I am in the process of restoring..."
"Set your phasers to kill"
"I guess if you want something done right, you have to..."
"Computer, terminate autodestruct sequense..."
Tora Ziyal sound files:
"Dont you see father, this is your chance to show..."
"I dont belong on Cardassia, you know I will never..."
"Spoken like a true Cardassian..."
Dukat: "We will talk on the way home" Ziyal: Home?..."
Ziyal: "I cant go" Dukat: "Its him isnt it..."