(Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes)
Holy Family Chapter,
Chester County, PA
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    In 1990, a small group of families in Baltimore got together to support one another in Catholic home education.  They wanted to strengthen each other in their common desire to provide both academic excellence as well as a solid foundation in the Catholic faith for their children.

Thus, Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes, or TORCH, was formed.
Parish Schedules
    Our chapter encompasses Chester County, Pennsylvania.  We are in the southeast portion of the state.  Our county seat is West Chester, which is about 45 minutes west of Philadelphia and about 45 minutes east of Lancaster.
"Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring.  Hence, parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.  Their role as educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure in it."  (Gravissimum Educationis #3)