You look into the gloom of the alleyway uncertain wether this is a good idea or not. You had heard rumours among the noblemen and commoners of your favorite inn that a secret place existed where warriors from around the world... around the cosmos, would come to battle each other for fame and fortune. In fact since the rumour began spreading the local taverns had seen a decrease in business. You take a deep breath, as deep as you dare with the vile odour wafting from the alley, and steel your courage before stepping into the gloom.

A small door, carved with various symbols that you can't comprehend, stands against the side of a small wooden building. The door looks to be in excellent condition despite the utter disrepair of the accompanying structure. You reach forward to grasp the handle when suddenly a mouth appears in the center of the door.

"The Pit is currently closed for business until further notice. Please come back in a few months. Torgal extends his thanks for your interest though." The mouth disappears as the last word is uttered. You stand for a moment staring at the door before turning to exit the alley.

A pair of dark red eyes follows you as you leave the shadows and step into the light of the main street...


October 16, 2003

The Pit is still closed. Please look around and let me know what you think though. the more email I receive about interest only encourages me to get the setup sooner. Of course when it reopens I will be using D&D v3.5 :) Take care and check back every once and awhile.


June 28, 2002

The Pit is currently closed until further notice. I anticipate re-opening in September once I survive the summer. I would like to say that it has been a blast and I hope to see you all again in a few months!!! Season 2 will continue soon!!



Season: 2
Round: 1
Champion: Not Yet Determined



These sites have received the Torgal Westran stamp of approval. Of course that means nothing more than I visit them frequently.


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visitors since August 25, 2001

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