Links.  You know, those funny little things that you click to go places on the internet.  This page has a list of sites that I regularly visit.  Just in case you care to know what I like.  Big whoop, right?

Element Zero Animations - Duh!  Of course that would be the first on the list.
Hell Creek Music and More - My local game and music store.
The Foxxy Morons - They could be great, if they got anything done.
The Legendary Lillypad - A large forum run by one of the masters of flash: Joseph Blanchette.
Newgrounds - Home of the world's first and greatest Flash portal.
Webcomics you should read.

Element Zero - I write some of the scripts for this one.

8-bit Theater - A classic webcomic based on a classic game.
Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire - Pretty much the coolest comic ever.  Seriously.
Ctrl-Alt-Del - A hilarious comic about gamers
Manga-Gaga - Very cool comic that anime fans will adore.  No banner for this one though.