7/7/08- SWEET JESUS BATMAN! I haven't been on here in years! I look at my counter and it's like, through the roof! My question is, how come you guys aren't signing my guestbook or going on Neopets? (I still go on, lol) I wonder how everyone even find this website o_O This will be my final update for this site. I had good times and even though my interests are still basically the same I can't remember much html anymore nor have the bandwith capacity to make the site any bigger. I hope you all enjoyed it while it lasted and I give you my thanks for taking your time to look at and enjoy my site :]
~Past Updates~
*need Quicktime* Lookie what I found, woot: O Zone...lol
~~For those who wish to chat with me, I now have AIM. My screen name is torono4.~~
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