Campaign 2000 and the 25-in-5 group ... had a town hall meeting at Metro Hall last month. There was some press coverage - see "Rules make poverty worse when the disabled turn 65" by Laurie Monsebraaten, Toronto Star Wed. June 3, 2009
See also the large write-up at the Family Service Ass'n pages.
"The Federal Role in Poverty Reduction"
Federal M.P.'s were to be in attendance. The notes for this read, in part, "Bring your ideas, show your support for federal action to reduce poverty. We particularly want people with lived experience of poverty to be present and to raise their voices. This community organized Town Hall meeting coincides with the federal Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) hearings in Toronto on June 1-2... HUMA is a committee of M.P.'s from all parties. To make a formal presentation or to submit a written brief, please contact Christine Holke David, Clerk of the Committee at (613) 996-1542 or (send e-mail to) ..." |