STLE Toronto
About STLE
Membership Information
Section Meeting Schedule
Executive Committee
Section Sponsors
STLE Hamilton
2008 - 2009 Meeting Schedule

Directions to the Old Mill
Hospitality:                            5:30 - 6:00 pm
Dinner:                                  6:00 - 7:15 pm
Technical Presentation:        7:15 pm 
Member:                               $45
Non-member:                        $55
Student:                                $25
Retiree:                                 $25
STLE Toronto presents meetings/educational seminars every month from September through to April (with the exception of December). 

Meetings are typically held the second Tuesday of the month, but do check the date.  We meet at the Old Mill. 
To RSVP, please contact Mauricio Galvez: by the Friday prior to the meeting at the latest.  As dinners must be coordinated with the Old Mill, walk-ins may face a $5 surcharge at the door.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A New Generation of Turbine Lubricants
Robert W. Bruce
GE Aircrafts
Click here for more details
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Measurement and Significance of Liquid/Liquid Surface Tension in Metalworking

Michael Gernon, PhD
Click here for more details
We have a new website! To see the 2008-2009 meeting schedule, visit us at our new home: