Dir en grey are (left to right-top) Toshiya, Shinya, (center) Kyo, (bottom) Kaoru, and Die.  With ex-X-Japan drummer Yoshiki producing some of their top hits, Dir en grey has made a large impact on the J-rock world.  This group has pulled far a head of the rest, with it's mostly painstricken and often sexual rock.  Once and a while they will come out with a soft sounding song, such as "Ain't Afraid to Die" and "Taiyo no Ao".  Vocalist Kyo writes all of the lyrics, in which he expresses his "inner-self" and the way he feels about things.  Kaoru, Die, Shinya, and Toshiya back up his lyrics with their hard metal music.  I, personally, love them to death.  They are one of the best bands that have come along since X-Japan.
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