Friends Page
Seria's Thanks
This page was made to give my thanks to all of my friends who stand beside me in whatever I try to do and accept me for who I am.
(Which is not your "normal" teen.  ^_^)
                                Thank you very much to:
Casey: Hello Southern friend.  I'm glad you think so highly of this page.  Well, not highly, but acknowledge all the hard work I put into it.  ^^ Arigato.
Hannah: I know you don't always agree with what I'm into, but you don't try to change it... much.  We just dissagree on the point of, "Homosexuals are not going to hell."
Jessy: Thank you for the banner!  Keep up the good work on them or I'll go to your house and bust up your computer!  =)
Emmi: Ah, the younger generation of Japanese anime/music fans... ^_~  We gotta get all the ages to love Japan!  hide-sama forever!
Kris: There are only two people in this entire world that I will share Yu~ki-sempai with (and that person better share in return), that's Kozi and Kurisu.  Although they both are very kinky... I'm sure Yu~ki would like that, ne?
Mike Breeze: The person who has told me so much that I didn't know about music. (some of it I liked, some of it I didn't...)  Sankyuu!  ^^
Lee: You hate what I like, but what the hell, you are my friend.  Atleast you like anime... I think... been awhile since ya talked about anime... so I dunno... ^^;;;  Anyway, I know you loath yaoi so that about screws up conversation, ne?
Asura: Ah yes, and my Kamijo loving, Machi worshiping, online crazy sister, how could I forget you? But, you are at the bottom because I see you all the time.  Don't think bad of me, it is only my job.  =)

I would put Zach on here, since he's like one of my best friends, but since we fight all the time and we can never agree on anything, it's kinda like we hate each other more then we are friends.  Plus, he never stays with one name and goes away for months on end without so much as a word, so it would be pointless to have him on here since I only speak to him maybe three times a year.

If I forgot you, don't worry.  Everyone of you still mean something and just tell me so I can add you.
Friends Homepages:

Night Otaku
My Profile
Pieces of Tomorrow
Mike Breeze: mirror
My Profile
: Changing Reflection...