
Real Name: Toshimitsu Deyama
X Name:
Birthdate: October 10, 1965
Birthplace: Chiba
Role: Vocal
Now: He's in a cult called Remuria.

The story of Toshi is so tragic and it has yet to improve.  Toshi became involved in a religous cult called Remuria in June of 1997.  Remuria is considered a 'Reikan Shoho' (cult business).  Toshi became 'different' after that.  "Since Toshi was a member of the cult, his face has changed. He cancelled his jobs suddenly, spending too much money, and getting angry suddenly. Also, he seldom takes the other person's advices."  Says one artical.  Toshi denies the fact that he is brain-washed and insists that "Thanks to Masaya, I was able to find my own philosophy."  He said.  I do not believe so.

Just so you know, Remuria is a religious cult.  It is also a music firm known as Remuria Island Records.  It was formed in 1993 by Masaya Kurabuchi (aka Masaya), a producer and song writer on a small island called Yaku-Shima of Kagoshima-ken.  It sells music tapes, manages resort hotels, and educates singers. And since 1993, Masaya has started self-training lessons looking like religious ceremonies.  These lessons are highly expensive.  It cost's 1,200,000 yen (roughly $10,000 US dollars) for a 90-day lesson course.

I, and many other fans, have boycotted all of Toshi's post-X materials, hoping that this might bring him to his senses.  Toshi has lost the respect and love of so many fans as a result to this awful change he has taken.  He has even lost the respect of his own brother, whom he sued for telling everyone he was brian-washed.  It was all a big mess.

I think I pity Toshi more then I hate him.  I don't know what happened, he use to be such a great person but he fell from his grace when he signed his life over into the hands of Masaya.
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Sorry, no picture ((but, he's the one with the ling jaw-line and really slinder eyes.  He has short, dark hair and usually wears sunglasses.))