Mrs. Sheridan hands Harry Cain a Screwdriver & tells him to "Put it to good use!!!"
Why does Mrs. Sheridan wave a carving knife menacingly at George Cranleigh?
Why is Ashley Bodie's niece in bed with Evelyn Smythe's husband & who has just caught them?
Micheal & Evelyn Smyth discussing Ashley Bodie's blackmailing methods.
Sarah Bodie.  Is she as innocent as she wants everyone to believe?
Ashley Bodie, the man with something over everyone but who murdered him?
Mrs. Smythe.  Who is on the receiving end of the gun?
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Written by Simon  Williams  (1997)
Murder by Blackmail is set in the heart of the English countryside.  A remote manor house sets the scene.   Inside the manor house all manner of blackmailing is going on by the house owner Ashley Bodie.

Later that evening Bodie is found dead but which of the 6 guests in the house committed the crime?
Ashley Bodie - Simon Williams
George Cranleigh - Kev McLean
Harry Cain - Phil Ord
Evelyn Smythe - Sandra Wilkins
Michael Smythe - David Wilkins
Sarah Bodie - Wendy Williams
Mrs. Sheridan - Jackie Headley
Inspector Jolson - Gav Matthews
Inspector Rimmer - Julian Hotchkiss
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Murder By Blackmail is loosely based on the board game Cluedo.  Six suspects all with a motive.  There is no candlestick in this film or any lead piping!!!!