All credit for the mathematical calculations in these particular paragraphs goes to Stu Pullen. The calculations in these paragraphs were derived from Stu Pullen's calculations, yet the amino acids, codons, and number sequences were changed, from my own random figuring, to prevent actual copying of anything Stuart Pullen figured himself and placed on his web site. I obtained this information from Stuart Pullen's web site,

Stuart Pullen- just a few words for you, if you are reading this page. I tried contacting you, while your old web site was still active, both via e-mail and snail mail. But my e-mail to you never went through, and the letter I wrote you, of your supposed name and address, was returned to me, stated undeliverable. I wanted to ask you first hand for permission to use your calculations. However, I was unable to. But now, if you have any problems at all with my use of your calculations, please contact me at I would be more than willing to communicate with you ( I loved your site- it gave me hope and helped inspire me to write this novel!)

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