Andy proposed on my 21st birthday, November 20,1996. We had a family dinner and as the table was being cleared Andy asked me to go into the living room with him. I went and he had me sit down, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was really surprised but according to Andy I didn't have much of a reaction. We kissed and hugged and then went in to the room to tell the others. Everyone was happy for us, my mom and sister were a little surprised but all was fine. My mom and Andy still joke that he did not ask her permission first, but she says she would have told him the decision was mine to make. We had to call Andy's parents and sister as they were waiting to hear my response. They knew he was going to propose because they all went with Andy to pick up my ring. They all were happy for us.

Now the fun begins! We had to set a date and pick the wedding party and do all the planning. Of course I wanted to decide everything right away. Luckily we had help! In May 1997 we moved in together. We found a really cute basement apartment. After pestering Andy we finally settled on August 29,1998 as our wedding day. After a few months though that day just didn't seem close enough so I was able to persuade Andy to change the date to March 21, 1998. Near the end of November I bought my wedding dress. It is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. Between Christmas and New Year's I found out I was pregnant. We were both excited and scared. My due date was September 1, 1998. Luckily we changed the August 29 due date! The plans were starting to fall into place. I was a little concerned because I needed to get my dress altered. I couldn' imagine cutting my dress open to add a side panel but it had to be done. I was in tears many times! Luckily everthing turned out fine and my dress was just as beautiful after the alterations. I guess that's it for the engagement. Click on the heart to move on to our big day!