Our Wedding Day!

March 21, 1998
When I woke up that morning the weather was sunny and nice. I was so happy! I had a small breakfast and then my cousin Melissa (bridesmaid) and my friend Natasha (maid of honor) went to go and get our hair done. I really liked the hairdresser and I loved what he did to my hair. When we were done we walked around the mall because we had a time before we needed to go for our make-up. I felt kind of funny because I had the headpiece to my veil on. Finally we left that mall and went to another mall for our makeup. We had some lunch and then got our make-up done. I'm not used to wearing make-up so I felt funny doing that. I got a really natural look because I still wanted to look like me. While us girls were doing this, Andy and his best man, my brother-in law Rich, went to get their hair trimmed and for breakfast. When we left the mall from getting our make-up done I found out that it had started snowing! Leave it to me to get married during a blizzard.

I went to my mom's and hung out for awhile, wishing for time to fly! My mom was out doing errands and wasn't back yet. I started getting worried because it was almost time for me to put my dress on and she had wanted to be there for that. Forty-five minutes before the wedding I got dressed and my mom was still not home. Finally she got home but I was already dressed and ready to go. She still had to get dressed. The wedding decorations wouldn't stick to the car because of the snow so I was kind of disappointed about that but it was just a minor disappointment. We were running late and I was worried that Andy would think I wasn't coming. I promised him I wouldn't be late but someone did get word to him that I was coming and that the weather had put us all behind.

Finally we are off to the church. I sneak in the back door so no one could see me and just as I get in a big snow drift that had been hanging from the roof fell. I lucked in, that would have been a disaster! I started getting nervous at that point. The music started and off goes Melissa, then Natasha, then the flower girl and ring bearer. It was my turn to go next. My friend Brent was walking me down the aisle so we waited for the right part in the music and then went. I looked straight at Andy. He was so handsome dressed in his tux and with his hair cut just the way I like it. He was really nervous and was shaking so hard. I tried to let him know that all was ok by smiling and looking at him. My mom gave me away and the rest of the ceremony took place. My cousin Melissa read a beautiful poem and a friend of the family sang a song that he had written himself. It was a beautiful ceremony.

If you would like to see some picture from the ceremony please click the heart below to see them. Please be patient as the page loads. There are also some pictures of after the ceremony and our reception. Enjoy!