The Crowbar
State College, PA
22 Oct 97

Crazyhorse Mongoose > Go-Go
Doo Rag
Layin' in the Cut
Charlie Dozen
Root Down > Love on the Run
Start from Scratch
Check Your Mind

Two Clowns
Little Old Money Maker
Black Eyed Pea > Tippi-Toes
Something's Wrong With This Picture

Taper's Notes
Thanks to Galactic for allowing me to record this show! Actually knowing the soundman for the venue did not hurt either. Keep in mind I have been sitting on this one for 9+ years now. Now thankfully due to time, money, technology, and some experience I have been able to properly prepare this recording. As far as I remember I showed up at the gig with every intent to record using my AT822 stereo mic and my Sony D-8. As I was sitting outside waitng around when a van with a short U-Haul tagalong pulled up and members of Galactic began to stumble out. I was in awe of all the smoke and that funny smell like they had maybe run over a skunk about a mile back that came pouring out of that van. I had a great time chatting with them. Being a musician myself I felt quite comfortable with these guys and told them of my intent to record them. They told me if I wanted to I could get a soundboard patch as long as I sent them a copy. Well that was much more than I had hoped for. Also no problems with regards to seeding as long as everybody kept it free. I was pretty exited about that and later discovered that I also knew the soundman pretty well because he had come to see quite a few of my bands shows so he hooked me up with a patch and also used some mics for some ambience which I think as you will see turned a real nice Matrix. I am sorry that I do not remember all the particulars as to what mics were used. This is the entire show from the State College, Pa. event although Houseman does refer to it as College Station by mistake. His eyes we're really red. Must have been the smoke Sorry it took 9 years to get here but everything just now seemed to fall in place. Let me know what you think!
