Seawra Cave with Philly Grotto 6-7-08

OK, so I still don’t have an idea why the BS Troop didn’t show. Someday that mystery will be solved. But we went to Seawra anyway. Steve Warnek, Steve Gadd, and Marci hadn’t been in this cave yet and they wanted to see it. To tell you the truth, I didn’t really look as thoroughly as I’d like last time because I was too preoccupied with making sure the youth group was safe and having fun.

Seawra Phlly Grotto 6-7-08 018 Seawra use to be a commercial cave from about 1929 to 1939. It was gated in 1997. A bit off the beaten path it still has some nice formation left. It is still an active cave and it looks like some formations are trying to re-grow. We’ll know for sure in a couple hundred years how that’s starting to work out.

Seawra Phlly Grotto 6-7-08 031There are some interesting places to play. When you go through the pictures take a look at the ones in the “Ball Room” where Steve Warnek is climbing through a tube. There is a couple in the ceiling and Amos and Steve tried to climb through them. Big kids in a big jungle gym. Steve Gadd decided to give it a try, too.

We also had an opportunity to play in some sections that I missed in the past. A little more climbing than usual to get to this stuff, but it was fun and worth the effort. Now I don’t know if it was that we were facing 90 + degree temperatures out side or just having way too much fun, but what normally is a 2 hour tour was more like 4 and a half.
Seawra Phlly Grotto 6-7-08 076 There still is one place we want to bring vertical gear to check out next time. We tried a hand line, but need rope and ascenders for one short nuisance drop. There’s always a next time. Maybe it’ll be this year. We can only hope.

Enjoy the pictures.