Tranparent Tutorial
Page 1 of Made By Jane00   _Jane_ Sept 8 2005
1. Get A Av
3. Go To Select All
4. Go To Copy
5. Go To Paste
6. Go To Paste As New Image
7. A New Image Apears
8. Work On New Image With ERASE Tool
Erase Around The Image That You Want Tranparent , Useing These Setings:
Paint Shop Pro
Image erased around a bit
Image erased around
10. File
11. Save As
12. File Name______________(name your image)
      Save As Type___________save as
psp image in psp 7-8 , save as Animation Shop psp in psp 9
Animation Shop
File :
Jasc Software Products:
Launch Animation Shop:
1.  File:
2. Animation Wizard
3. Same Size As First Image: Check Box
4. Next
5. Tranparent:  Check Box
6. Uper Left Corner Of The Frame: Check Box. With The Canvas Color Check Box  Next
7. Yes Play The Animation Indefinitely  Check Box How Long You Want  Each Frame To Be Displayed ; __________ Next
8. Add Image :  Find The Image You Saved : Click On it :   Open :  Next :   Finish
9. File :
10. Save As
File Name____________
Save As Type_______gif
CompuServeGraphic Interchange (*gif* )
Tranparent Av
Adding Text  To A Tranparent Av Already Made
Animation Shop
1.  File:
2. Animation Wizard
3. Same Size As First Image: Check Box
4. Next
5. Tranparent:  Check Box
6. Uper Left Corner Of The Frame: Check Box. With The Canvas Color Check Box  Next
7. Yes Play The Animation Indefinitely  Check Box How Long You Want  Each Frame To Be Displayed ; __________ Next
8. Add Image :  Find The Av You Saved : Click On it :   Open :  Next :   Finish
Tranparent Av Opened
9. Check Arrow In Tools
10. Right Click On Tranparent Av
11. Export Frame To Paint Shop Pro
Pop up Apears
You Can use the  Text In Animation Shop :   But In Paint Shop Pro Text Is Better
Paint Shop Pro
Av Exported To Paint Shop Pro
1. Text Tool
2. Click On Av
3. Add Text
4. Select None
5. X   Out Window
6. Pop Up Apears : Asking : Save Changes To psp ?   Say NO.
Another Pop Up Apears  Asking: Would You Like To Update Changes Back To Animation Shop?   Say YES
To Save Steps Use Browse Instead Of Wizard
Animation Shop
under selections
2. Save As
File Name____________
Save As Type_______gif
CompuServeGraphic Interchange (*gif* )
Finished Text Tranparent Av
2. Change Colors To 16 Million Colors
Under Selections
Under Edit
Under Edit
Under Edit
Farm Paint
Avs , Gestures, Tutorials, Brushes, Backgrounds,Tranparent Avs, Tubes
If useing 2 Saved tranparent avs use Wizard
If Adding 2 Tranparent Avs ,Add Image Find Av 1 You Saved Click On It: Open Find 2 Av You Saved Click On It: Next,  Finished
Page 2
Image -- increase color depth --16 million
Tranparent Tutorial Useing Gif Optimizer
File export gif opttimizer
Tranparent Tutorial
Page 1 of Made By Jane00   _Jane_ Sept 8 2005
1. Get A Av
3. Go To Select All
4. Go To Copy
5. Go To Paste
6. Go To Paste As New Image
7. A New Image Apears
8. Work On New Image With ERASE Tool
Erase Around The Image That You Want Tranparent , Useing These Setings:
Paint Shop Pro
Image erased around a bit
Image erased around
2. Change Colors To 16 Million Colors
Under Selections
Under Edit
Under Edit
Under Edit
Image -- increase color depth --16 million
TRANPARENCY:  setting are
check box: existing image or layer transparency
check box: use error diffusion dither
check box: no, use the existing image color at 100% opacity
setting are
check box: optimized median cut.... 250.. 0
check box: non -interlaced
check box: version 89a

check box: existing
change color of the color in wizard to a color not already in your picture like
lime green or brite pink
change color to
lime green or pink a color not in the picture
better image quality bar
check box: no choose best colors
this is size of image if it is above 14,000 bytes go back and lower better image bar : in voodoo chat the images can only be below 14.5 size
name image______________________ gif

change the color chart to a color not in picture to like a lime green or pink
This is useing psp 8-11 without having animation shop