<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/tranquilitypond/RhythmOfTheRain.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Northern Territory, Australia sunset
Konigssee, Austria - very peaceful lake
coastline near Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Madagascar off Africa
Picturesque country side Longford, Tasmania
Margaret's Pages on things tranquil, serene and restful - words and pictures
The sun sets when day is done, and rest for the night occurs.  Ready to begin new adventures with the coming day.
Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions
Don't get so involved in making a living that you forget to make a life.

Enjoy the beauty of nature that is around every corner.

On this page are some photos of wonderful parts of the world.
Make sure that if you stop to think, you remember to start again.
Most people want to be nice -- it is up to you to give them the opportunity
A challenge is a stepping stone or a stumbling block-- it is up to you.
There is beauty all around us - let's enjoy
So much trouble is caused in the world just be people wanting to be important
There are some wonderful coastlines around the world - peaceful, serene, restful...... how often do you visit a beach and sit and enjoy what it offers.
Food for the soul
Sage thoughts -- women see things that men don't -- dirt, relatives, bargains
Look at the weather when you go outside - look at the faces when you come in.
Beautiful butterflies - plant some plants that attracts them to your garden - enjoy tranquility
The river of love -
the most powerful flow
the passion the joy
the senses that glow
the yearning the burning
the rushing of thought
the world, its troubles
matter nought
you are my world my sea
my sky
you are my life
till the river runs dry.

~~John Laws~~
Stream in Co Kerry, Ireland
Try and avoid situations that need to be explained
Sit by a stream, dangle your feet in and feel refreshed.
Take the time to smell the flowers
Music from midiminded.tripod.com
Page made 2001
upgraded 9 February 2006