21st Century Gaming
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Hello! The new quick address for 21st Century Gaming is just 'http://taken.to/21cg'. Here's my collection of what I think are some of Miniclip's best games, but there are others just as good on the 'more games' page, as well as games from other sites on the 'links' page. Click here to find out what's new and what's going to be added soon! Thanks and happy gaming!
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Other sites:
1. Minatrix.com is the best, no kidding, the internet has to offer. Although there isn't much to choose from, these are PLATFORM QUALITY, FULLY 3D GAMES! Also the interface is excellent. You can either play games by yourself, with a friend or enter a tournement and compete against many other users. Check it out.

Sess.net (previously 2D Arcade) is my favorite, with less quality but loads of games which are still very fun to play. You won't find these games on any other site, although most of them are privately made. But this is all the better as the games are very high quality. The interface is far from perfect, but if you manage to see through it you'll get yourself some very good gameplay. Highly recommended.

Miniclip.com, the only site that allowed me to feature their games, includes more arcade-style addictive games with less quality and almost no 3d graphics. Still, these games are very fun, and the interface is the best I've ever found with simple insructions for both playing games and adding them to another site. The games are small as well, making for mostly shorter loading times, and they still remain fairly good quality.

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