About Me and This Site
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21st Century Gaming was created  not to compete with the many other flash/shockwave gaming sites that exist, but popularize internet gaming as well as to bring together a non-biased view of the internet's best.

None of the links on these pages are advertisements, otherwise I'd be making a hell of a lot of money by now with, in just 2 weeks, about 120 hits. They are to make it easier for people new to internet gaming to be able to experience what the internet has to offer without being distracted by adverts or having to search for hours to find the best quality.

One thing must be said, though, and that is that the only reason why miniclip games are primarily featured is because theirs is the only site that allows me to do so; so please check out gaming sites other than miniclip - I promise that they'll be better.

I'm still waiting for feedback on the games that I have now as well as possible gaming sites that are better than those on the site now, so please keep in touch, and have fun.

Adam Traugott
Webmaster Adam Traugott
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My Info:
Name: Adam Traugott
Email: atraugott@hotmail.com