Thirteen Moon Calendar Movement
Miriad wholeheartedly supports the Thirteen Moon Calendar Movement and is ready, hopefully to try to start PAN (Planet Art Network) nodes in each of their local areas.
Thirteen Moons
Twelve Irregular Months
Obviously, following this calendar is adherence to mechanical time, and work, which is antithesis to SLACK(tm), PLAY, and actual BIOLOGICAL (bio+logical?) FUNCTION. A petition has been made to the Vatican to RESTORE THE NATURAL CALENDAR, but no reply or effort has been made. Would this upset 'birthdays' and 'national holidays' and 'work schedules'? YES! But all of those things were NEVER MEANT TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE. This calendar is an abhorrence to the true cycles and nature of time itself. Luckily, the Thirteen Moon, Law of Time movement has become a reality.
This movement, though, must be allowed to be broadcast to EVERYONE. You must let them know that the Vatican is responsible for this... WHAT ELSE COULD THEY HAVE DONE?! (vampirized christ, stolen an important relic from egypt...) But here is the information on the Thirteen Moon Calendar.
Thirteen Harmonius Moons
This calendar synchronizes us with Lunar cycles, each other, for males and females, to ourselves, to the True Cycles of the Tides, etc. The true nature of time has been proven to be cyclical by many sources. This calendar is the 13:20 calendar. 13 Moons, and 20 fingers and toes. This means it is lunar and personal, while the 12:60 calendar means time=money, or it is MECHANICAL and IMPERSONAL. The 13:20 calendar is HARMONIC. 13:20 is also the number of Tribes and Tones in the Mayan Calendar cycle called the Tzolkin, which is beautifully nested within the 13 moon calendar movement.
The Tzolkin
Miriad will be happy to connect you to the Source of this information. We are working possibly on distributing calendars from our Huntsville region. There will be large calendars with beautiful artwork (by Andalusians, of course) and small informative calendars for public distribution.
Several "wise" cultures already are aware of and follow the 13 moon (Lunar) calendar. It makes complete sense in that it has the same number of days per month (28), and one Day Out of Time, at the end of the year. However, the materialistic 12:60 consumer Time=Money (or as ol' Molar calls it, "Chronos = Mammon") culture does not. We have created that calendar deliberately to confuse people, and create disharmony and inequality. One of the MAJOR REASONS for this is the opression of the female, and their connection to the Lunar Cycle, which is 28 days. This calendar was made by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
It is called the Gregorian Calendar. It is also referred to as the 12:60 calendar. 12 irregular months with 60 minutes in an hour.
The Thirteen Moon Calendar Movement was put into motion by the people who follow the Mayan Calendar. Jose Arguelles, mainly is one of the main advocates, with PAN (Planet Art Network) groups all synchronizing with it using various tools like the Telektonon playing board, and Dreamspell kits to do so. The idea is very simple. There are 13 moons with 28 days each. That's 13 x 28 = 364. Plus one celebratory Day Out of Time, or Green Day, its called.
The Tzolkin means "count of days". The word kin, though, not only means, 'day' it also means 'person'. The two are interrelated beacuse that the Mayans knew that the insertion point of someone in time was important to their resonance.
People need time to exist in.
You can learn a whole lot more at, which is overseen by JA/VV himself. Once again Please help Miriad support the NATURAL CYCLICAL CALENDAR OF THE PLANET EARTH, which makes TIME = ART (or for you subgenii, time = slack!)...
Those in the Huntsville Area interested in joining a PAN group, click here