
One of the first ways I was exposed to Wicca was through the use of crystals, it is still the form I use the most of. I have even done reports on it for school. Ask my friends, I am rarely without my little pouch in my left pocket.

To use the crystals, and their properties, once you have obtained the crystal, you should cleanse it. Be careful what form you use it the crystal is a piece of jewely, you don't want to damage the metal. You can do this by leaving it in the light of the full moon, leave it in a salt water solution, pass it through sage smoke or what I always do, simply leave them in fresh salt for at least 24 hours. The salt absorbs the negativity from other people handling the crystals. After they are clean, ask the crystals to help you, and carry them on the receptive side of your body, if it is not a piece of jewelry that is. For most people that would be their left side. Your dominate hand, or projective is the hand you write with, your receptive hand is the other. Simply carry the crystals on that side of the body, either simply in the pocket, or in a velvetine type bag.

And here is the list of the crystals...

Agate- variety of colors and patterns
Blending and binding of energies for strength and protection. Organizational qualities, very simplistic causing a stabilizing effect.
Health Aids- binding energies for physical endurance

Alexandrite- green, blue and violet
Stimulates happiness and pleasant surprises. Good fortune and success in speculative matters.
Health Aids- emotional balance

Amazonite- translucent white, pink and blue
Relating to the skeletal part of the body, spasms, soothes nervous system, strengthens physical stamina.
Health Aids- skeletal, calcium and metabolism

Amber- petrified pine tree sap
Absorbs negative energy, helps to ground you to the Earth plane, protection for the sensitive person.
Health Aids- purification, releasing fluids from the body; digestive track

Amethyst- transparent purple
Healing, calming mental effect, enhances the meditative state, creates pure thoughts, spiritual insight, relaxation and higher values. Also transmutes negativity and enhances the dream state.
Health Aids- alleviates mental stress.

Ametrine- blending of gold and purple
Higher mental opening for meditation and inspiration which can be utilized here on the Earth plane to bring more stability and order into your life.
Health Aids- headaches, depression

Apache Tears- translucent black
Volcanic glass. A stone of protection that prevents emotional draining from others, works as a shield against unwanted vibrations, sharpens vision, and helps with transitions.
Health Aids- emotional security and peace

Aquamarine- transparent pale blue
Protection on or near the water, helps with the digestion of food and the reduction of body fluids. A purifying and cleansing stone, calming, soothing inner quiet, peace and meditation.
Health Aids- works like a tranquilizer

Aventurine- green, blue, or red quartz
Increases visionary powers, intuition and prescription, a stone of opportunity and good luck, a stabilizing effect.
Health Aids- emotion stabilization

Azurite- opaque dark blue
Aids in communication, clearing thoughts, a quality of penetration, cleanses negative mental states, insight, vision and hypnosis.
Health Aids- reduces stress, anxiety and depression

Banded Agate- variety of colors and patterns
The bands and stripes around agates are for the sensitive person, like loving arms surrounding you. It instills courage and extra strength to face life’s challenges.
Health Aids- relieves spastic discomfort

Black Obsidian- translucent black
Volcanic glass. A stone of protection that prevents emotional draining from others, works as a shield against unwanted vibrations, sharpens vision, and helps with transitions.
Health Aids- emotional security and peace

Black Tourmaline- transparent spike-like black
This stone works as a protective shield pushing away all negativity, even yours. Tourmaline does not hold any energy, it is used as a channeling device for the magnetic energy to flow through.
Health Aids- protective shield

Bloodstone (One of the stones I use a lot of)- dark green with red spots
A stone of protection to prevent injury and disease. Used for blood purification and aids circulation.
Health Aids- headaches, hemorrhage, bloodshot eyes, kidneys, heart attack, high blood pressure

Blue Lace Agate- blue with bands and stripes
It gets energy flowing in order to soften and calm the mind. higher states of consciousness, balance psychic centers.
Health Aids- depression, despair, stubbornness, emotion

Blue Topaz- transparent blue
Adds spiritual strength. A stone which calms, soothes and sedates. Brings a peaceful and natural healing state of consciences.
Health Aids- mental clarity and emotional healing

Blue Tourmaline- transparent spike-like blue
Adds spiritual strength and knowledge to the wearer. Intensifies creativity and inspiration in the artistic or innovative person. A peaceful and natural healing stone.
Health Aids- throat, thyroid, speech

Botswana Agate- pink and gray with bands and stripes
Protection, increases physical strength, enhances sexual energy, protects sensitivity at times when you are most vulnerable.
Health Aids- physical strength and stamina

Carnelian- translucent red-orange to rust
Stimulates energy and appetite, physical power and courage, helps ground you to the physical plane, practical application of ideas.
Health Aids- increases appetite and energy

Cat’s Eye (Red Tigers Eye)- yellowish brown
Insight and perception, the “all seeing third eye,” divine vision, good judgment, seeing things clearly, clarity of ideas and grounding.
Health Aids- tension and spasms in the head and neck area

Chryso-Phase- translucent apple-green
Attunement and compassion, tranquilizing effect, unconditional love, appreciation of little things, enhances sensitivity.
Health Aids- nervous system

Chrysocolla- light green to blue
Physical activity, stimulates the mind, brings balance to fears and guilt, especially calming and relaxing for the emotions.
Health Aids- emotional heartache

Citrine (use with caution)- translucent yellow-orange
Provides a sense of stability, practical and application of ideas, adds energy and emotional balance, rational approach towards things, grounding to the here and now.
Health Aids- elimination of toxins from the body

Diamond- crystal made of carbon
Intensifies and activates what is within, absorbs all energies both good and bad, generosity, openness, boldness and optimism.
Health Aids- Use with other gem stones to enhance their stone power

Dioptase- deep green
An aesthetic quality for overworking, over studying, when the brain has been overly stimulated. Mental and spiritual attunement.
Health Aids- high blood pressure and pain

Emerald- deep green
Strengthens memory, increases intelligence, foresight and prophecy, clear seeing, wisdom, enhances speech and creativity.
Health Aids- diseases of the eyes, speech impediments

Fluorite- green, blue, violet and yellow
Understanding, objectivity, advancement of the mind, concentration, raises the IQ to the highest mental capacity.
Health Aids- mental disorders, nervous system

Garnet- deep rosy-red, pink or purple
Brings circulation to normal, clotting of the blood, purifies. Balances, awareness and well being, prevents fears of insecurity, drawing out negativity.
Health Aids- balances thyroid disorders, increases sex drive

Gold Calcite- translucent gold-brown
Stimulates the conscience mind and enhances the capacity to channel the highest mental faculties. Wear when you need to be mentally alert and sharp. Blood purifier.
Health Aids- mental clarity

Goldstone- glass with copper flecks
A transmitter stone which causes light to pass through you in order to convey or receive as a medium. Openness, honesty, relaxation and sharing.
Health Aids- intellectually calming and refreshing

Green Aventurine- green metallic iridescent
A healing stone in times of readjustment and transition. It gently and calmly stabilizes the body. Increases opportunities in speculative ventures.
Health Aids- transforming of a physical condition

Green Tourmaline- transparent spike-like green
Regeneration and rebirth to the physical body. Pushes out toxins from the body and brings in new energy. Brings in abundance and prosperity.
Health Aids- heart and blood pressure.

Hawk’s Eye (Blue Tiger Eye)- blue-gray to blue-green
Seeing things from a different perspective, with unusual delicacy and refinement. More activity and involvement on the ethereal plane of existence.
Health Aids- etheric body

Hematite- steel-gray to iron black iron oxide
Decreases inflammation, draws out heat from a feverish part of the body. Dissolves negative energy and works as a shield of armor for any person or thing, keeps nightmares away.
Health Aids- anti-inflammation

Herkimer Diamond- double-terminated clear quartz
Double-termination allows energy to be drawn from one end and release through the other. Good for extra boosts of energy, healing, vivid dreaming and recollection and storage of information.
Health Aids- balances polarities both physical and astral

Jade- white, pink, black and green
Brings peace, calms and stabilizing effect on the body. Courage, clarity and tranquillity of the mind.
Health Aids- erases stomach and digestive disorders

Jasper- opaque red, rose, brown and yellow
Protection against unseen lower astral entities. Enables you to work with heavy negativity. Stabilizes emotions.
Health Aids- protection, reduces fears and insecurities

Jet- black compressed coal
Keeps others from intruding on your space. Can be worn as an amulet to ward of evil influences.
Health Aids- carry in situations where you need no hassle

Kunzite- striated pink, green and blue
The energy moves through the stone with a sword-like action to remove emotional and physical pain. A good meditation stone for bringing in inspiration and giving out the message to others.
Health Aids- Receptivity and balance

Lace Agate- circular designs of many colors
An emphasis of energy that surrounds you.
Red= strength and energy,
blue= peace and calm,
white= higher spiritual thoughts,
pink= love and happiness.
Health Aids- energy emphasizes for the mental, physical and spiritual bodies

Lapis Lazuli (my personal stone that I use a lot of and wear all the time)- royal blue with pyrite inclusions
Great power to the wearer if sincere in spiritual development. Illumination of the mind, mental endurance, wisdom, purifying and healing properties, insight, good judgment and psychic abilities.
Health Aids- mental clarity and emotional healing

Malachite- dark green with light green bands
Purification of things on the material plane. The bands provide protection for your creative ideas. Success and good fortune in business matters.
Health Aids- weight reduction- quality of absorbing

Malachite-Azurite- deep blue and green
Blue calms the state of anxiety and green initiates the healing force. Emotional releases and detoxification. Use in meditation for rebirthing into the light. The birth-death cycle in inner space.
Health Aids- place over blocked or congested areas, stress-related aliment.

Moonstone- gray, yellow, pink or colorless
Calms and balances emotional situations. Second sight, psychometry, aura reading, use in regressions, opens up psychic potential.
Health Aids- relieves discomfort of cramps and assists in physical, emotional and hormonal balance.

Moss Agate- different colors with moss inside
Binds the energies of nature and assists anyone who works with the land and the Earth for growing things.
Health Aids- cleanses and strengthens in times of stress.

Mother of Pearl- iridescent and translucent colors
Absorbs your negative energy, clarifies feelings, transmutation, stabilizer.
Health Aids- asthma and allergies.

Obsidian (another of my favorites that I use a lot of)- translucent black
Volcanic glass. A stone of protection that prevents emotional draining from others, works as a shield against unwanted vibrations, sharpens vision, and helps with transitions.
Health Aids- emotional security and peace

Onyx (use with extreme caution)- usually black
Retains physical body strength. Receives and holds vibrations both good and bad. May provoke disharmony- use when you need to end an unpleasant relationship. BE WARNED! If you are empathic (able to feel other peoples emotions as your own) be very careful with onyx, it absorbs all kinds of negativity, I can't even use the stuff.
Health Aids- protection from negativity

Opal(use with caution)- many fiery rainbow colors
Magnifies your thoughts and feelings already present. Promotes psychic abilities. A stone which enhances the emotions. A doorway to your spiritual awareness.
Health Aids- intensifies prevailing mood

Peridot (my birthstone and another stone I use and wear a lot of)- clear olive or golden green
Clear seeing, problem solving, healer f the spirit and physical body. Protection from nervousness in front of others (stage fright); fearlessness and strong will.
Health Aids- cleanses bruised egos and hurt feelings.

Pink Tourmaline- transparent spike-like pink
Magnetically receiving love and giving out love joyfully. Sorrows, conflicts, despairs and fears seem to melt away leaving a renewed enthusiasm for life. Happily going with the flow.
Health Aids- matters of the heart.

Pyrite (Fool's Gold)- gold crystallized mineral
Assists you in matching your vibrations with someone of a higher or lower frequency than yours. A shield used as protection or defense.
Health Aids- strengthens circulatory system.

Quartz Crystal- clear
A receiver, amplifier, conductor and generator of energy. Used for meditation, transformation, stability, knowledge, protection, healing and enlightenment.
Health Aids- general good health and balance. increases auric field.

Red Jasper- opaque orangey-red
Promotes physical stamina, reduces insecurities and fears. Increases sensitivity to Earth and helps ground you.
Health Aids- liver and bile ducts, sense of smell.

Rhodochrosite- translucent pink with lacy designs
Restores balance due to physical and emotional crisis. Enhances love for self and others.
Health Aids- emotional pains, poor eyesight, elimination problems.

Rhodonite- pink with sparkles of black lead
Raises self-worth, gives an aura of elegance, self-confidence and self-esteem.
Health Aids- restores physical energy.

Rose Quartz- opaque and translucent pink
Relaxation, inner peace and tranquillity. The ability to give and receive love. It’s the stone which heals the heart emotionally and physically. All matters dealing with love, affection, compassion and kindness.
Health Aids- heart

Ruby- medium to dark pink
Intensifies love and compassion, stimulation and active expression of the sex drive. Brings circulation to normal. High energy stone for courage, boldness and action.
Health Aids- blood purifier, sex drive, physical energy

Rutilated Quartz- clear with ribbons of silver and gold
Silver and gold color thread work like pathways which magnetically lead you in direction of balance. Use when you need positive direction in life.
Health Aids- detoxification, cleansing arteries.

Sapphire- light blue to deep indigo
Aid for communication, clairvoyant perceptions, abstract concepts, divine wisdom and prophecy. Cleanses negative mental states and disturbances.
Health Aids- nervous and mental disorders, throat and asthma.

Sard- unnamed agates
Blending and binding of energies for strength and protection. Organizational qualities, simplistic and stable.
Health Aids- binding energies for physical endurance.

Scarab- carved beetle in many stone
The symbol of immortality, eternal life, renewal and rebirth. Flight from one state to another.
Health Aids- transformation and rejuvenation.

Smoky Quartz- gray or brown quartz
Enables you to follow through with your highest hopes and aspirations. Abstract thoughts and telepathic message put to practical use.
Health Aids- endurance, fatigue and depression.

Sodalite- opaque dark blue with white lines (often confused with Lapis)
Clearing and balancing mental disorders; filling the doubts, fears and anxieties with white light and transformation.
Health Aids- mental metabolism.

Sugilite- opaque dark purple
Higher ethereal influences, a stone for channeling higher thoughts and energies. Helps to get the analytical part of the mind out of the way. Be prepared to be spaced out.
Health Aids- mind, astral projection.

Tiger Eye- brown with golden highlights
A combination of earth and sun which would be practical decision making and creativity. Belief in self, objectivity stability and inner strength.
Health Aids- strength and self-confidence.

Topaz- transparent yellow, brown and amber
Calms, relieves and balances emotional mental breakdowns. Any situation related to nervous fatigue, exhaustion or extreme stress. Change, cleansing, letting go.
Health Aids- headaches, spasms, mental disorders, obesity.

Turquoise- opaque greenish blue
Mental relaxation, stress reduction, confidence, attunment and physical balance. Attracts abundance and prosperity, the stone of friendship.
Health Aids- lungs and respiratory system.

Watermelon Tourmaline- transparent pink and green
Electric and magnetic properties, giving the ability to receive and direct information that has been channeled. It pushes out old emotional wounds and brings in renewed love and joy.
Health Aids- alters cellular structure, cancer prevention

This was origianly taken from a book called The Pocket Book of Stones I don't have it with me, and I can't remember the authors name or who published it, but I typed it all out for my friends who also studdied Wicca and didn't have the resources I did. So I figured I would transfer it to my page, enjoy.

Page last updated January 8, 2002