
Catnip: Cat magic, love, beauty, happiness.
Given to your cat, catnip creates a psychic bond between the two of you. It is also intoxicating to the cat. Catnip is used in love sachets, usually in conjunction with rose petals. If you hold catnip in your hand until it is warm, the hold anyone else’s hand, they will forever be your friend, as long as you keep the catnip used in the spell in a safe place. Grown near the home or hung over the door, catnip attracts good spirits and good luck. Catnip is also used in spells designed to enhance beauty and happiness. Large catnip leaves are pressed and used as bookmarks in magical texts.

Chamomile: Money, love, sleep, purification.
Chamomile is used to attract money, and a handwash of the infusion is sometimes used by gamblers to ensure winnings. It is also used in sleep and meditation incenses, and the infusion is also added to the bath to attract love. It is also a purificatory and protective herb. When sprinkled around the property, it removes curses and spells cast against you.

Cinnamon: Spirituality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, lust, protection, love.
Cinnamon oil was used as part of a holy anointing oil by the ancient Hebrews. The leaves of the cinnamon tree were woven into wreaths which were used to decorate ancient Roman temples. The Egyptians used cinnamon oil during the mummification process.

Dragon’s Blood: love, protection, exorcism, potency.
This resin from a palm tree is burned to enhance lovers to return. This is usually done by women seated near an open window, looking outside at night. A stick of dragon’s blood placed under the pillow or mattress will cure impotency. The dried resin is powerful protectant when carried, sprinkled around the house, or smoldered as an incense. It will also drive evil and negativity away when burned. A pinch of dragon’s blood added to other incenses increases their potency and power. To quiet noisy house, powder some dragons blood, mix is with sugar and salt, and place it in a bottle. Cover this tightly and secure it somewhere in your house where it will not be found. You’ll have peace and quiet.

Mint: money, lust, healing, travel, exorcism, protection.
Mint has long been used in healing potions and mixtures, and the fresh leaves rubbed against the head are said to relieve headaches. Mint worn at the wrist assures that you will not be ill. Stomach problems can be alleviated by stuffing a green poppet with mint and anointing it with healing oils. Mint is also used in travel spells and to provoke lust. It’s bright green leaves and crisp scent led to its use in money and prosperity spells; the easiest of which is to place a few leaves in the wallet or purse, or rub where your money is kept. To rid a place of evil, sprinkle salt water with a sprinkler made of fresh sprigs of mint, marjoram and rosemary. Fresh mint laid on the alter will call good spirits to be present and aid you in magic. Mint is also kept in the home for protection.

Sage: Immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection, wishes.
Sage has been utilized to ensure a long life-sometimes even immortality. This is done by eating some of the plant every day, or at least in May, for: He who would live for aye Must eat sage in May. Sage is carried to promote wisdom, and the leaves are used in countless healing and money spells. To guard yourself against contracting the dreaded evil eye wear a small horn filled with sage. If you desire to make a wish come true, write it on a sage leaf and hide it beneath your pillow. For three nights sleep upon it. If once you dream of what you desire your wish will be materialized; if not, bury the sage in the ground so that you do not come to harm.

Sandalwood: protection, wishes, healing, exorcism, spirituality.
Sandalwood powder is burned during protection, healing and exorcism spells. When mixed with lavender it makes an incenses designed to conjure spirits. The fragrant wood possess very high spiritual vibrations and is burned at seances and full moon rituals when mixed with frankincense (this mixture can also help if you are having trouble meditating). Write your wish on a chip of sandalwood and burn it in the censer or cauldron. As it burns it sets the magic flowing, but remember to visualize your wish at the same time. Sandalwood beads are protective and promote a spiritual awareness when worn. Powdered sandalwood can be scattered about a place to clear it of negativity, and it is also used as an incense base.

Thyme: Health, healing, sleep, psychic powers, love, purification, courage.
Thyme is burned to attract good health and is also worn for this purpose. It is also used in healing spells. Placed beneath the pillow, it ensures restful sleep and a pleasant lack of nightmares. Worn, thyme aids in developing psychic powers, and women who wear a sprig of thyme in the hair make themselves irresistible. Thyme is also purificatory herb; the Greeks burned it in their temples o purify them and so thyme is often burned prior to magical rituals to cleanse the area. In spring a magical cleansing bath composes of marjoram and thyme is taken to ensure all the sorrows and ills of the past are removed from the person. Thyme is also carried and smelled to give courage and energy. If you wear it you will be able to see faeries.

These are just a few herbs taken from Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Page last updated August 15, 2000