The Treasure Hunters Hideout

Dedicated to Utah treasure hunters


In 1991 I found a group of symbols painstakenly carved onto a small cliff outcropping high in the mountains where it's virtually inaccessible except to only the most heartiest of hikers.

Following the mysterious trail, this group of symbols, along with the classified notes that I accidently stumbled onto, led me on a wild ride all across the western US to 22 different site locations. With an adventure filled anywhere from mysterious deaths to being duped out of most of my research, notes and pictures.

The following is only a small account of some of my findings,research and experiences.Because of the things I am still working on and because of my involvment with a few other people and my promise not to divulge certain information, I am only telling what could possibly be dug up with hard research. But, I will add some little known facts and clear up some misinformation.

These mysterious symbols are located in Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizonia, Nevada and California.

No one knows how old they really are or even how to interpret them. And forget about figuring out who carved them. There is an old medicine women in Nevada who showed some of these symbols to her grandson and told him that these were sacred and that they were left by the "before now people". In Colorado it has been handed down from generation to generation that according to the earliest mexican settlers, they were there before they settled the area in the late 1700's. It has been reported that one particular site in Utah was seen by the pioneers in the late 1800's. There is a group of people in the California who are claiming that these symbols were left by the Ancient Lamurians and are part of the sacred symbols of Mu that Churchward talks about in his book. The people of the Ohlone Indian tribe are standing guard over a group of these symbols. They treat them as sacred but say that they were there before their people. In his book "Following The Ark of the Covenant" Kerry Boren states that these mysterious symbols were left by the Nights Templers. And was their secret code and language that marks where they hid their vast treasures. With the Ark of the covenant being one of the treasures.

Then we have on the other side of the spectrum theories of how they were made by the early miners of 1849 or by a commune of hippies in the Hate Ashbeary days. Dr. James Harris of Brigham Young University claimed Jose Davila inscribed these symbols himself in the 1960's but had to rethink his theory when he found a picture of one of the sites, taken by Frank Beckwith, a noted National Geographic's photographer in 1925.

It has been stated that some of the early mormon pioneers carved these to give proof to thier book of mormon. But to me that doesn't hold water, because if that were true, someone went to a lot of time and trouble to commit a hoax that never happened. There was never one thing said about these symbols as a whole that tied them all together in the same story. You have different people in the 1930's 40's 50' and 60's who found different sites in the western united states. They had their own interpretations and thoughts as to what the site they had just found was. But that was just individual speculation and interpretation. In my research I have found proof that they are at least 100 years old and possibly 150 years old. That is verifiable, however I personaly think they are much older than that. My question is, why would someone or some group spend all the time it had to take, to travel all around the western United states (on horse back as there were no vehicles back then) and risk there lives in a dangerous environment with all the indians, outlaws and such and pick an area that was definitely for the most part inacessible to the majority of the people. Then spend countless hours painstakenly carving these panels of symbols with the utmost detail of what has to be some kind of written language with some kind of important message about that particular site.

There is no doubt in my mind that there has to be more of these sites around. But because of the remote locations and because of the bushes, lichan, moss and pantina covering them, it makes it virtually impossible to see them sometimes. In some states there is a definite pattern to where these symbol sites have been found and has been the key to helping me find more.

As to what they are trying to tell us is anybody's guess right now. Anybody who has tried to interpret them have all come up with different theories. But most of them agree on one thing, and that is that they are a complicated form of Egyptian not known to us at this time. Dr. Harris translates one of the symbols found in Utah as Egyptian and reads as: (Anubis or this powerful person, demands offerings,by authorative decree, 1/4 hekat=[corn] and precious metals or salt.) He goes on to say that this is probably a sacred burial site of an important personality.

Roberta C. Smith claims that one of the sites California are Egyptian and are between 2300 to 2500 years old. She translates them to be dealing with the summer solstice.

Prof. Barbra Rock translated a site in New Mexico as a complicated form of Egyptian and says that there wasa great flood and that the people are burying their valuables, the records of their people and heading to the tops of the mountains for safety.

Jose Davila translated the two panels in Utah to be Nephite reformed Egyptian. And is talking about the last great battle of the book of Mormon and then tells where the lost golden plates of the book of Mormon are hidden.

Another person claimed a site was ancient Egyptian, and is talking about the second coming.

I dont know if all of these people are right in their translations but I do know this, these people didn't know about all of the other sites out there and the way they seem to be following an ancient trail all across the western united states. I also don't know if these mysterious symbols are Egyptian or not but I do know this.

In 1918 a young girl found a rock that was made into the shape of an egg. It had writings engraved all over it. She showed it to her dad and he told her it was indian writing. She took it home and put it away with all of her other things that were special to her. One day when she was very old, she was rumaging through a shoe box and came across the egg shaped rock. She gave it to her grand daughter who just happened to be standing there. The grand daughter held on to this special present that her grand mother gave her and still has it today. In 1988 she was sitting in the Dentist office where she was reading a magazine about King Tut and all of the artifacts that were found. She noticed that there was some of the same kind of markings on King Tut's sarcofigus as was on her egg shaped rock. She got a hold of the University of Berkley and made an appointment for them to look at her rock. They did some tests and concluded that the rock was a piece of alabaster that had came from Egypt. And that the markings on her rock was King Tut's high priest signature on one side and his cartoch signature the other. Now keep in mind that this rock was found in 1918 and they didn't get into King Tut's tomb until 1922. Also this rock egg was found near one of the mysterious symbol sites in Pocatello, Idaho.

In 1956, three women were hiking in the hills of Utah County, Utah. They spotted something shiny sticking out from under a rock. They moved the rock and pulled out a strange looking bronze belt with strange looking Egyptian hieroglyphics all over it. They took it down to the local university and had them examine it. They dismissed it as a fraud. But since then there has been four other bronze belts found all over the western united states. Some of them near where these mysterious symbols are located. These Egyptian belts all had the exact same markings on them, but they were all just different enough that the experts knew that they were all hand forged and not made out of a mold.

In 1897 there was an Egyptian coin found by Victor Crocket in Northern Utah, while plowing his field. I had wondered if there possibly could be a mysterious symbol site next to this town because of the egyptian artifact found. I have just recently discovered that there could indeed be a site there. I have been in contact with the person who has seen it. And I am presently making plans to visit this site to verify it as the same kind of hieroglyphs.